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[英]How are static objects, that are members of a class and that are of the same type as the class they are in, initialized?

Bjarne Strousrup in The C++ Programming Language illustrates the use of static members of a class with code similar to this: C ++编程语言中的Bjarne Strousrup演示了如何使用类似于以下代码的类的静态成员:

class Date{
  int d, m, y;
  static Date default_date;
      Date(int dd=0, int mm=0, int yy=0);
      static void set_default(int, int, int);
      int year()const{return y;}
      int month() const{return m;}
      int day() const {return d;}

Date::Date(int dd, int mm, int yy){
d=dd ? dd : default_date.d;
m=mm ? mm : default_date.m;
y=yy ? yy : default_date.y;

void f()

Date Date::default_date(16,12,1770);

void Date::set_default(int d,int m, int y)

int main(){

Date ob(5,5);

return 0;

The output of the code was 5 5 1770 代码的输出是5 5 1770

He states that the default_date must be defined somewhere, as it is done between f() and set default. 他指出default_date必须在某处定义,因为它是在f()和set default之间完成的。 While we are at it can somebody tell me why is it with two Date before :: and not one? 当我们在这里时,有人可以告诉我为什么在::之前有两个Date而没有一个吗?

OK default_date can be constructed with the constructor provided since all arguments are supplied. 因为提供了所有参数,所以可以使用提供的构造函数来构造default_date。

Now i tried removing the year from the list of arguments for default_date: 现在,我尝试从default_date的参数列表中删除年份:

Date Date::default_date(16,12);

and the program compiled fine with output 5,5,0. 并且程序编译良好,输出为5,5,0。 This means that when in the constructor, since the last argument is not provided yy is 0 and default_date.y should get default_date.y and it turns out that it is 0. To me this only makes sense if the members of default_date are set to 0 when default_date is declared, and changed when default_date is defined. 这意味着在构造函数中,由于未提供最后一个参数,所以yy为0,default_date.y应该为default_date.y,结果为0。对我来说,只有将default_date的成员设置为声明default_date时为0,定义default_date时更改。 If that is true why then must we define default_date, why cant we leave it be 0,0,0? 如果是这样,为什么我们必须定义default_date,为什么不能将其保留为0,0,0?

default_date is a Date object which is a static member of the Date class. default_date是一个Date对象,它是Date类的静态成员。 That's why there are two Date s in front of its definition: 这就是为什么在其定义前面有两个Date的原因:

        qualified id
Date Date::default_date(16,12,1770);
^^^^ ^^^^
 |     default_date is a member of Date
The type of default_date

By removing the year from the definition, the Date constructor will end up assigning default_date.y to itself. 通过从定义中删除年份, Date构造函数将最终为其分配default_date.y Why does this have value 0? 为什么它的值为0? Shouldn't it be uninitialized? 它不应该被初始化吗? Actually, static objects will be zero-initialized before any other initialization takes place. 实际上,在进行任何其他初始化之前,静态对象将被零初始化。 So the members of default_date will all be set to 0 before the constructor runs. 因此,在构造函数运行之前, default_date的成员都将设置为0。

// This is simply how static variables are initialized
// type classname::attributename followed by either = or constructor invocation
Date Date::default_date(16,12,1770);

// two ways of initializing an int in c++
int i = 0;
int i(0);

What you see in the example is similar to the second form above, except that it is within a class so you need the scope to be included. 在示例中看到的内容与上面的第二种形式相似,不同之处在于它位于类中,因此您需要包含范围。

If that is true why then must we define default_date, why cant we leave it be 0,0,0? 如果是这样,为什么我们必须定义default_date,为什么不能将其保留为0,0,0?

If you are in a large scale app with multiple compilation units, you will get linker errors if you don't create a static initializer in the cpp file for the corresponding class declaration. 如果您在具有多个编译单元的大型应用程序中,如果未在cpp文件中为相应的类声明创建静态初始化器,则将出现链接器错误。 In your example everything is within one file, and it appears that you don't need to do it. 在您的示例中,所有内容都在一个文件中,并且看来您不需要这样做。 I deleted that line, and it still compiled fine with VS2010. 我删除了该行,并且在VS2010中仍然可以正常编译。

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