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[英]Backbone model validation undefined attrs

So I've got my model which I'm trying to validate, according to the books this should work, however I'm receiving attrs as undefined. 因此,根据正在使用的书籍,我已经尝试验证模型,但是我收到的attrs未定义。

validate: (attrs, options)->

if I go ahead and do it this way: 如果我继续这样做:

validate: ->

I can access the model's attributes just fine however I don't think this is the recommended way to do it. 我可以很好地访问模型的属性,但是我认为这不是推荐的方法。

this is my model code: 这是我的模型代码:

class Todo extends Backbone.Model
        title: 'default title'
        completed: false
    validate: (attrs, options)->
myTodo new Todo
//returns false because attrs is undefined 

what am I missing? 我想念什么?

From the fine manual : 精美的手册中

validate model.validate(attributes, options) 验证 model.validate(attributes, options)

[...] By default validate is called before save , but can also be called before set if {validate:true} is passed. [...]默认情况下,在save之前调用validate ,但是如果传递了{validate:true} ,也可以在set之前调用{validate:true}

So validate is meant to be called by Backbone, not directly by you. 因此validate是由Backbone而不是您直接调用的。 You're calling validate yourself: 您正在打电话validate自己:


but not passing any arguments so attrs is undefined because, well, you didn't pass its value. 但未传递任何参数,因此undefined attrs ,因为您没有传递其值。

You're supposed to let Backbone call validate when you call myTodo.save() or myTodo.set(new_values, validate: true) . 您应该在调用myTodo.save()myTodo.set(new_values, validate: true)时让Backbone呼叫validate

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