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nodejs + mongodb-查找空

[英]nodejs + mongodb - find empty

I'm trying to find all rows where post_id is the same as I'm searching for. 我正在尝试查找post_id与我搜索的行相同的所有行。 But every time I do the result is empty, and I've double check all values and I should get some result. 但是每次我做的结果都是空的,我仔细检查了所有值,我应该得到一些结果。

This is the method I'm using: 这是我使用的方法:

db.collection('posts', function(err, collection) {
    collection.find({}, {}, {limit:100}).toArray(function(err, posts) {
        if (err) res.send({'error':1,'message':'error getting all posts'});
        console.log('Number of posts: ' + posts.length);
        posts.forEach(function(entry) {
            db.collection('love', function(err, collection) {
                collection.find({}, function(err, love) {
                    if (err) console.log(err);
                    if (!love) console.log("empty");
                    if (love) {
                        entry.love = love;

It always enter the third if like if I have a result but in the console I always get [] from the result. 如果我有结果,它总是输入第三个,但是在控制台中,我总是从结果中得到[]。 Any idea of that I'm doing wrong? 知道我做错了吗?

EDIT1: Code updated. EDIT1:代码已更新。

The love in that callback is a cursor, not the array of docs. love在回调是一个游标,而不是文档的数组。 To make it an array, call toArray like you are in your first query; 要使其成为数组,请像在第一个查询中一样调用toArray like this: 像这样:

collection.find({}).toArray(function(err, love) {
    if (err) console.log(err);
    if (!love) console.log("empty");
    if (love) {
        entry.love = love;

Also, your next problem will likely be that your res.send call won't include any of the love docs because it's happening before any of the love callbacks. 另外,您的下一个问题很可能是您的res.send调用将不包含任何love文档,因为它发生在任何love回调之前。 You need to delay calling res.send until all callbacks have been received. 您需要延迟调用res.send直到收到所有回调。 You can do that by keeping a count of outstanding callbacks or using an async flow control module like async . 您可以通过保留未完成的回调计数或使用异步流控制模块(例如async

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