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[英]Servlet session cookie tampering and security

On the server side, after a successful logon, I execute : 在服务器端,成功登录后,我执行:

HttpServletRequest request = this.getThreadLocalRequest();
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("user", subject.getUser().getId());
session.setAttribute("logged", true);

I then assume that the user is logged in. When the user navigates to a secure page in order to save or delete a record from my database, I run this code. 然后,我假定用户已登录。当用户导航到安全页面以保存或删除数据库中的记录时,我将运行此代码。

HttpServletRequest request = this.getThreadLocalRequest();
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
if (session.getAttribute("user")!=null && session.getAttribute("logged"))
     //delete a record using the authority of the user.

My concern is that a client can tamper its browser cookie with a different user id. 我担心的是,客户端可以使用其他用户ID篡改其浏览器cookie。 The database request would be initiated with a different user, skipping the login process. 数据库请求将由其他用户启动,从而跳过登录过程。

Can java session identify tampering, or should I digitally sign the session by including this line Java会话可以识别篡改,还是应该通过添加以下行来对会话进行数字签名

session.setAttribute("signature", hash(secretkey + subject.getUser().getId());

then verify that the signature is valid before changing the database. 然后在更改数据库之前验证签名是否有效。

if (session.getAttribute("signature").equals(hash(secretkey + session.getAttribute("user"))
    //delete a record using the authority of the user.

Have you examined your cookies? 您检查过Cookie吗? Are you actually keeping the user-id in a cookie, and if yes, what for? 您实际上是将用户ID保留在cookie中吗? The server side session object can't be accessed from the client side, that would be a huge security problem. 无法从客户端访问服务器端会话对象,这将是一个巨大的安全问题。

If your code is correct, there's no reason or advantage in using a hash. 如果您的代码正确,则使用哈希没有任何理由或优势。

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