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asp.net mvc 5 DropDownList nullable int默认选项不为null

[英]asp.net mvc 5 DropDownList nullable int default option not null

I have a problem with mvc DropDownList, lots of topics about that, but not one with the same problem. 我有一个关于mvc DropDownList的问题,关于它的很多主题,但没有一个有相同的问题。

I want a default selected option for my DropDownList, but i also need additional option for "all" items selection. 我想为我的DropDownList选择默认选项,但我还需要“全部”选项的附加选项。

So my controller is binding default value of 2 to dropdown 所以我的控制器将默认值2绑定到下拉列表

 public ActionResult Index(int? All = 2){ ...

In cshtml i have 在cshtml我有

 @Html.DropDownList("All","All items")

All list is filled like this 所有列表都是这样填写的

 ViewData["All"] = new SelectList(CommonLists.property_types.Select(x => new { v = x.Value, t = x.Key.ToLower() }), "v", "t", All);

property_types property_types

  public static Dictionary<string, int> property_types = new Dictionary<string, int>() { 
    { "House", 1 }, { "Flat", 2 }, { "Garden", 3 }

So it should work like this 所以它应该像这样工作

  • when first entered the default selected value is 2, equals to "flat", only "flat" items are displayed (works) 当第一次输入默认选择值是2,等于“平”时,只显示“平”项(工作)
  • user can change it to other option from the list (works) 用户可以从列表中将其更改为其他选项(工作)
  • user can change to view all items at once no matter the category selecting "All items" (this is not working) 用户可以更改为一次查看所有项目,无论选择“所有项目”的类别(这不起作用)

I have assumed it should work, but to my surprise, when i select "All items" mvc does not return null it just returns the default int value 2 , so basically no way to query for all items. 我认为它应该工作,但令我惊讶的是,当我选择“所有项目”时,mvc不返回null它只返回默认的int值2 ,所以基本上没有办法查询所有项目。

Is this suppose to work like that? 这假设是这样的吗? The auto generated "All items" is empty value so i assumed mvc would translate it to null, but it is not. 自动生成的“所有项目”是空值,所以我假设mvc会将其转换为null,但事实并非如此。

How to fix this? 如何解决这个问题?

The problem isn't that null isn't returned by the POST, but that null IS returned by the POST. 这个问题是不是null不被POST返回,但null由POST返回。

Since your action has a default value of 2 . 由于您的操作的默认值为2 When the action is receiving null the it's initializing the variable with the default value, in that case 2 当动作接收为null ,它正在使用默认值初始化变量,在这种情况下为2

public ActionResult Index(int? All = 2)

What you want to do it to be able to differentiate between "All items" and the default behavior of the app. 您想要做什么来区分“所有项目”和应用程序的默认行为。 It that case, the default behavior is to show only flats 在这种情况下,默认行为是仅显示平面

You can achieve that goal by using building the "All items" inside of your controller. 您可以通过在控制器内部构建“所有项目”来实现该目标。

public ActionResult Index(int? All = 2)
    var propertyTypesSelectList = new SelectList(property_types.Select(x => new {v = x.Value, t = x.Key.ToLower()}), "v", "t", All).ToList();
    propertyTypesSelectList.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() { Value = "0", Text = "All items"});

    ViewData["All"] = propertyTypesSelectList;
    return View();

And changing your View to this 并将您的视图更改为此


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