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[英]configure RAP without Eclipse

I want to setup a Web Project utilizing the Eclipse RAP Framework. 我想使用Eclipse RAP Framework设置Web项目。

My toolchain bases on Maven & Netbeans. 我的工具链基于Maven和Netbeans。 The three work together, I am able to start a sample RAP Application. 这三个一起工作,我能够启动一个示例RAP应用程序。 Now I want to add further stuff (images / resources, extensions etc.) and the FAQ seems to rely on the fact that one uses Eclipse. 现在我想添加更多东西(图像/资源,扩展等),而FAQ似乎依赖于使用Eclipse的事实。 It references visual controls of the IDE on various places. 它引用了IDE在各个地方的可视控件。

The question is where do the various configuration elements go if you never open Eclipse? 问题是,如果您从未打开Eclipse,各种配置元素会在哪里发生? I could not find the documentation on this. 我找不到关于此的文档。

Currently I try to figure out where the parameters for the build.properties go if you don't have one. 目前我试图找出build.properties的参数在哪里没有。

Also where does one place the plugin.xml for the extension configuration? 还有哪里将plugin.xml放在扩展配置中? Do I have to configure its location somewhere? 我是否必须在某处配置其位置?

I would prefer a solution that includes a link to the original documentation. 我更喜欢包含原始文档链接的解决方案。 Alternatively a filetree containing the locations of configuration files would be much appreciated. 或者,非常感谢包含配置文件位置的文件树。

If you ask yourself why I don't use Eclipse, it crashes on my machine all the time . 如果你问自己为什么我不使用Eclipse, 它会一直在我的机器上崩溃 Also I don't like it. 我也不喜欢它。

RAP applications consist of OSGi bundles and can be developed with any IDE. RAP应用程序由OSGi包组成,可以使用任何IDE进行开发。

I assume that you don't want to develop a workbench-based application , do you? 我假设您不想开发基于工作台的应用程序 ,对吗? Workbench applications consist of Eclipse plug-ins, basically OSGi bundles with a plugin.xml that contain extensions and extension points. Workbench应用程序由Eclipse插件组成,基本上是OSGi包,其中包含一个包含扩展和扩展点的plugin.xml Those plug-ins are usually developed with PDE (Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment), but you can also do that with other IDEs if you write your plugin.xml manually and include them in the bundle. 这些插件通常使用PDE(Eclipse插件开发环境)开发,但如果您手动编写plugin.xml并将其包含在捆绑包中,您也可以使用其他IDE执行此操作。

For applications that do not use the workbench, you don't need a plugin.xml , you can register your ApplicationConfiguration as an OSGi service. 对于不使用工作台的应用程序,您不需要plugin.xml ,可以将ApplicationConfiguration注册为OSGi服务。 You can do that programmatically, using blueprint, or using DS. 您可以使用蓝图或使用DS以编程方式执行此操作。

The build.properties is a configuration file for the PDE build, that is used by Eclipse (and also Tycho). build.properties是PDE构建的配置文件,由Eclipse(以及Tycho)使用。 Since you use Maven, any build configuration go into the pom.xml . 由于您使用Maven,因此任何构建配置都会进入pom.xml As you already found out, resources have to go in src/main/resources , otherwise a Maven build will not include them in the bundle. 正如您已经发现的那样,资源必须放在src/main/resources ,否则Maven构建将不会将它们包含在bundle中。

If you have specific suggestions how the RAP Developer's Guide can be improved to help users of other IDEs better, a bug report would be helpful. 如果您有具体的建议如何改进RAP开发人员指南以更好地帮助其他IDE用户,那么错误报告将会有所帮助。

So, first part - images. 所以,第一部分 - 图像。 It was so trivial it hurts. 伤害是如此微不足道。

Images go to the resources folder as usual and can be addressed then naturally by getResourceAsStream . 图像像往常一样转到resources文件夹,然后可以通过getResourceAsStream自然地解决。

Example Filetree: 示例Filetree:


Code: 码:

public class SimpleEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {

public int createUI() {
    Display display = new Display();

    InputStream instr = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/images/robot.gif");
    Shell shell = new Shell(display);
    shell.setLayout(new GridLayout());
    Label label = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE);
    Image robotImage = new Image(display, instr); // tried to put "/images/robot.gif" here, but doesn't work.
    shell.setSize(500, 400);
    return 0;


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