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预提交的Git Hook上的PHPUnit似乎使用了不同的PHP版本

[英]PHPUnit on pre-commit Git Hook seems to use different PHP version

I'm trying to set up a pre-commit git hook that will run and validate our unit tests. 我正在尝试设置一个预提交的git钩子,该钩子将运行并验证我们的单元测试。 We are using PHPUnit in the Symfony 2 platform. 我们在Symfony 2平台中使用PHPUnit。

For some reason it seems that when I run the unit tests via the git hook that it is using a different version of PHP. 出于某种原因,当我通过git钩子运行单元测试时,它似乎正在使用不同版本的PHP。

When I check my php version I get: 当我检查我的php版本时,我得到:

php -v
PHP 5.4.14 (cli) (built: May  8 2013 10:23:18) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies
    with Xdebug v2.2.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2012, by Derick Rethans

Here is my git hook: 这是我的git钩子:

// Hook configuration
$project = 'My Project';

// Tell the commiter what the hook is doing
echo PHP_EOL;
echo '>> Starting unit tests'.PHP_EOL;

// Execute project unit tests
exec('bin/phpunit -c app/', $output, $returnCode);

// if the build failed, output a summary and fail
if ($returnCode !== 0)
    // find the line with the summary; this might not be the last
    while (($minimalTestSummary = array_pop($output)) !== null)
        if (strpos($minimalTestSummary, 'Tests:') !== false)

    // output the status and abort the commit
    echo '>> Test suite for '.$project.' failed:'.PHP_EOL;
    echo $minimalTestSummary;
    echo chr(27).'[0m'.PHP_EOL; // disable colors and add a line break
    echo PHP_EOL;

echo '>> All tests for '.$project.' passed.'.PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;

When I run the unit tests manually ("bin/phpunit -c app/" from my project directory) the tests execute with out error. 当我手动运行单元测试时(从我的项目目录中“ bin / phpunit -c app /”),测试执行没有错误。 When I run the tests via the git hook I get a PHP Parse Error. 通过git钩子运行测试时,出现PHP解析错误。 I've determined that the parse error stems from the use of array bracket notation (['key'=>'value']) that was added in PHP 5.4 我确定解析错误源于对PHP 5.4中添加的数组括号符号(['key'=>'value'])的使用。

When I echo php -v in the git hook I get the following output 当我在git hook中回显php -v时,得到以下输出

Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

Since the Zend Engine is different (2.4.0 when run manually and 2.3.0 when run via the git hook) I'm assuming that there is a PHP version mismatch happening. 由于Zend Engine是不同的(手动运行时为2.4.0,而通过git挂钩运行时为2.3.0),我假设发生了PHP版本不匹配的情况。

Does anyone have any clues as to why this is happening? 有谁知道为什么会这样吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

the git/phpunit executable most likely sees a different PATH environment variable than your shell (bash/zsh/...) executable. git / phpunit可执行文件最有可能看到与您的shell (bash / zsh / ...)可执行文件不同的PATH环境变量。

If a program looks for ie php - the first match from your PATH variable will be used. 如果一个程序查找即php -从你的第一场比赛PATH变量将被使用。

Probably you're adding a folder containing a different PHP executable to the PATH variable in one of your shell startup files. 可能是您在一个外壳启动文件中的PATH变量中添加了一个包含不同PHP可执行文件的文件夹。

Possible files include: 可能的文件包括:


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