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动态大小的结构 - 学习C艰难的方式Ex17

[英]Dynamically sized structs - Learn C The Hard Way Ex17

I'm having trouble with an exercise in Learn C The Hard Way. 我在学习C艰难的方式练习时遇到了麻烦。 The exercise provides a simple database program which has a fixed size and number of rows. 该练习提供了一个简单的数据库程序,它具有固定的大小和行数。 Below you can see the structs that form the database. 您可以在下面看到构成数据库的结构。

#define MAX_DATA 512
#define MAX_ROWS 100

struct Address {
    int id;
    int set;
    char name[MAX_DATA];
    char email[MAX_DATA];

struct Database {
    struct Address rows[MAX_ROWS];

struct Connection {
    FILE *file;
    struct Database *db;

the task is to change code to accept parameters for MAX_DATA and MAX_ROWS store them in the database struct, and write that to the file, thus creating a database that can be arbitrarily sized. 任务是更改代码以接受MAX_DATA的参数,MAX_ROWS将它们存储在数据库结构中,并将其写入文件,从而创建一个可以任意调整大小的数据库。

I understand how to accept MAX_DATA and MAX_ROWS from the user, as command line arguments - in a function defined lower down in the file. 我理解如何接受来自用户的MAX_DATA和MAX_ROWS,作为命令行参数 - 在文件中定义的较低的函数中。 Once I have these values I am not sure how to store them in the database struct and write to a file. 一旦我有了这些值,我不知道如何将它们存储在数据库结构中并写入文件。

Appreciate anyone who is able to help. 感谢任何能够提供帮助的人。 You can find the rest of the code here: http://c.learncodethehardway.org/book/ex17.html 您可以在此处找到其余代码: http//c.learncodethehardway.org/book/ex17.html

One way is to change your arrays into pointers. 一种方法是将数组更改为指针。 Then you could write an alloc_db function which would use the max_row and max_data values to allocate the needed memory. 然后你可以写一个alloc_db函数,它将使用max_row和max_data值来分配所需的内存。

struct Address {
    int id;
    int set;
    char* name;
    char* email;

struct Database {
    struct Address* rows;
    unsigned int max_row;
    unsigned int max_data;

struct Connection {
    FILE *file; 
    struct Database *db;

Okay I managed to finally get this program working, I've summarized below. 好吧,我设法最终使这个程序工作,我在下面总结。 I hope this might help someone also stuck on ex17. 我希望这可能有助于某人也坚持使用ex17。

First, I removed the MAX_DATA and MAX_ROWS constants and changed the structs like so: 首先,我删除了MAX_DATA和MAX_ROWS常量并更改了结构,如下所示:

struct Address {
    int id;
    int set;
    char *name;
    char *email;

struct Database {
    int max_data;
    int max_rows;
    struct Address **rows;

struct Connection {
    FILE *file;
    struct Database *db;

I assign max_data and max_rows to the new variables in the struct and them write them to the file. 我将max_datamax_rows分配给max_data中的新变量,然后将它们写入文件。

conn->db->max_data = max_data;
conn->db->max_rows = max_rows;

int rc = fwrite(&conn->db->max_data, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file);
rc = fwrite(&conn->db->max_rows, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file);

Now I can run my program and replace MAX_ROWS & MAX_DATA with conn->db->max_rows & conn->db->max_data . 现在我可以运行我的程序并用conn->db->max_rowsconn->db->max_data替换MAX_ROWSMAX_DATA

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

struct Address {
        int id;
        int set;
        char* name;
        char* email;

struct Database {
        int MAX_ROWS;
        int MAX_DATA;
        struct Address* rows;

struct Connection {
        FILE* file;
        struct Database* db;

void Database_close(struct Connection* conn)
        if(conn) {
                for(size_t i = 0; i < conn->db->MAX_ROWS; i++) {
                        struct Address* row = &conn->db->rows[i];

                        if(row->name) free(row->name);
                        if(row->email) free(row->email);

                if(conn->db->rows) free(conn->db->rows);
                if(conn->db) free(conn->db);
                if(conn->file) fclose(conn->file);


void die(char* message, struct Connection* conn)
        if(errno) {
        } else {
                printf("ERROR: %s\n", message);


void diec(const char* message)
        if(errno) {
        } else {
                printf("ERROR: %s\n", message);

        printf("Something Wrong\n");


void Address_print(struct Address* addr)
        printf("%d %s %s\n",
               addr->id, addr->name, addr->email);

void Database_load(struct Connection* conn)
        assert(conn->db && conn->file);

        if(fread(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), 1, conn->file) != 1)
                die("Failed to load database.", conn);

        conn->db->rows = (struct Address*)malloc(sizeof(struct Address) * conn->db->MAX_ROWS);

        for(size_t i = 0; i < conn->db->MAX_ROWS; i++) {
                struct Address* row = &conn->db->rows[i];

                if(fread(&row->id, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Failed to load id.", conn);
                if(fread(&row->set, sizeof(int), 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Failed to load set.", conn);

                row->name = malloc(conn->db->MAX_DATA);
                row->email = malloc(conn->db->MAX_DATA);
                if(fread(row->name, conn->db->MAX_DATA, 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Faile to load name", conn);
                if(fread(row->email, conn->db->MAX_DATA, 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Faile to load email", conn);

struct Connection* Database_open(const char* filename, char mode)
        struct Connection* conn = malloc(sizeof(struct Connection));
        if(!conn) die("Memory error", conn);

        conn->db = malloc(sizeof(struct Database));
        if(!conn->db) die("Memory error", conn);

        if(mode == 'c') {
                conn->file = fopen(filename, "w");
        } else {
                conn->file = fopen(filename, "r+");
                if(conn->file) {

        if(!conn->file) die("Failed to open the file", conn);

        return conn;

void Database_create(struct Connection* conn)
        printf("MAX_ROWS: ");
        scanf("%d", &conn->db->MAX_ROWS);
        if (conn->db->MAX_ROWS<=0) die("MAX_ROWS must be positive", conn);

        printf("MAX_DATA: ");
        scanf("%d", &conn->db->MAX_DATA);
        if (conn->db->MAX_DATA<=0) die("MAX_DATA must be positive", conn);

        conn->db->rows = (struct Address*)malloc(sizeof(struct Address)*conn->db->MAX_ROWS);

        for(size_t i = 0; i < conn->db->MAX_ROWS; i++) {
                char* a = (char*)malloc(conn->db->MAX_DATA);
                memset(a, 0, conn->db->MAX_DATA);
                char* b = (char*)malloc(conn->db->MAX_DATA);
                memset(b, 0, conn->db->MAX_DATA);

                struct Address addr = {.id = i, .set = 0, .name = a, .email = b};

                conn->db->rows[i] = addr;

void Database_write(struct Connection* conn)

        if(fwrite(conn->db, sizeof(struct Database), 1, conn->file) != 1)
                die("Failed to write database.", conn);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < conn->db->MAX_ROWS; i++) {
                if(fwrite(&((conn->db->rows[i]).id), sizeof(int), 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Failed to write id.", conn);
                if(fwrite(&((conn->db->rows[i]).set), sizeof(int), 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Failed to write set.", conn);
                if(fwrite((conn->db->rows[i]).name, conn->db->MAX_DATA, 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Failed to write name.", conn);
                if(fwrite((conn->db->rows[i]).email, conn->db->MAX_DATA, 1, conn->file) != 1)
                        die("Failed to write email.", conn);


void Database_set(struct Connection* conn, int id, char* name, char* email)
        struct Address* addr = &conn->db->rows[id];
        if(addr->set) die("Already set, delete it first", conn);

        addr->set = 1;

        name[conn->db->MAX_DATA - 1] = '\0';
        email[conn->db->MAX_DATA - 1] = '\0';

        strncpy(addr->name, name, conn->db->MAX_DATA);
        strncpy(addr->email, email, conn->db->MAX_DATA);

void Database_get(struct Connection* conn, int id)
        struct Address* addr = &conn->db->rows[id];

        if(addr->set) {
        } else {
                die("ID is not set", conn);

void Database_delete(struct Connection* conn, int id)
        char* a = (char*)malloc(conn->db->MAX_DATA);
        char* b = (char*)malloc(conn->db->MAX_DATA);


        struct Address addr = {.id = id, .set = 0, .name = a, .email = b};
        conn->db->rows[id] = addr;

void Database_list(struct Connection* conn)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < conn->db->MAX_ROWS; i++) {
                if(conn->db->rows[i].set) {

void Database_find(struct Connection* conn, char* keyword) {
        int i=0;
        int count=0;

        while (i < conn->db->MAX_ROWS) {
                while ( i<conn->db->MAX_ROWS) {
                                if(strstr(conn->db->rows[i].name, keyword) != NULL || strstr(conn->db->rows[i].email, keyword) != NULL){

                if(i >= conn->db->MAX_ROWS) break;


        if (count==0) {
                printf("Try some other words\n");

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        if(argc < 3) diec("USAGE: ex17 <dbfile> <action> [action params]");
        int id = 0;
        if(argc > 3) id = atoi(argv[3]);

        char* filename = argv[1];
        char action = argv[2][0];
        struct Connection* conn = Database_open(filename, action);

        switch(action) {
        case 'c':


        case 'g':
                if(argc != 4) die("Need an id to get", conn);

                Database_get(conn, id);

        case 's':
                if(argc != 6) die("Need id, name, email to set", conn);

                Database_set(conn, id, argv[4], argv[5]);

        case 'd':
                if(argc != 4) die("Need id to delete", conn);

                Database_delete(conn, id);

        case 'l':

        case 'f':
                if(argc != 4) die("Need keyword to search.", conn);
                Database_find(conn, argv[3]);

                die("Invalid action, only: c=create, g=get, s=set, d=del, l=list, f=find", conn);

        return 0;

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