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[英]Segmentation fault on simple Bison script

OK, I'm doing a few experiments with Lex/Bison(Yacc), and given that my C skills are rather rusty (I've once created compilers and stuff with all these tools and now I'm lost in the first few lines... :-S), I need your help. 好的,我正在使用Lex / Bison(Yacc)做一些实验,并且鉴于我的C技能还很生锈(我曾经用所有这些工具创建过编译器和东西,现在我迷失了前几行...:-S),我需要您的帮助。

This is what my Parser looks like : 这是我的解析器的外观:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void yyerror(const char *str)
    fprintf(stderr,"error: %s\n",str);

int yywrap()
    return 1;



    char* str;


%type <str> statement
%start statements

    : GET { printf("get\n"); }
    | SHOW  { printf("%s\n",$1); }
    | OF { printf("of\n"); }

    : statement
    | statements statement

The Issue : 问题 :

So, basically, whenever the parser comes across a "get", it prints "get". 因此,基本上,只要解析器遇到“ get”,它就会打印“ get”。 And so on. 等等。

However, when trying to print "show" (using the $1 specifier) it gives out a segmentation fault error. 但是,当尝试打印“显示”(使用$1指定符)时,它会发出segmentation fault错误。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Lex returns a number representing the token, you need to access yytext to get the text of what is parsed. Lex返回一个代表令牌的数字,您需要访问yytext以获取解析内容的文本。

something like 就像是

statement               : GET { printf("get\n"); }
                        | SHOW  { printf("%s\n",yytext); }
                        | OF { printf("of\n"); }

to propogate the text of terminals, I go ahead associate a nonterminal with a terminal and pass back the char* and start building the parse tree for example. 为了传播终端文本,我继续将非终端与终端相关联,然后传回char *并开始构建解析树。 Note I've left out the type decl and the implementation of create_sww_ASTNode(char*,char*,char*); 注意,我省略了decl类型和create_sww_ASTNode(char *,char *,char *)的实现; However, importantly not all nonterminals will return the same type, for number is an integer, word return char* sww return astNode (or whatever generic abstract syntax tree structure you come up with). 但是,重要的是,并非所有非终结符都将返回相同的类型,因为number是整数,单词return char * sww return astNode(或您想到的任何通用抽象语法树结构)。 Usually beyond the nonterminal representing terminals, it's all AST stuff. 通常在非终端代表终端之外,所有都是AST东西。

sww                     : show word word
                           $$ = create_sww_ASTNode($1,$2,$3);

word                    : WORD
                          $$ = malloc(strlen(yytext) + 1);

show                    : SHOW
                          $$ = malloc(strlen(yytext) + 1);

number                  : NUMBER
                           $$ = atoi(yytext);

You don't show your lexer code, but the problem is probably that you never set yylval to anything, so when you access $1 in the parser, it contains garbage and you get a crash. 您没有显示您的词法分析器代码,但是问题可能是您从未将yylval设置为任何值,因此,当您在解析器中访问$1时,它包含垃圾并导致崩溃。 Your lexer actions need to set yylval.str to something so it will be valid: 您的词法分析器操作需要将yylval.str设置为某种值,这样它才有效:

"show"   { yylval.str = "SHOW"; return SHOW }
[a-z]+   { yylval.str = strdup(yytext); return WORD; }

OK, so here's the answer (Can somebody tell me what it is that I always come up with the solution once I've already published a question here in SO? lol!) 好的,这就是答案(有人可以告诉我,我已经在这里发布了一个问题后,我总是想出解决方案是什么吗?)

The problem was not with the parser itself, but actually with the Lexer. 问题在于解析器本身,而在于Lexer。

The thing is : when you tell it to { printf("%s\\n",$1); } 问题是:当您将其告诉{ printf("%s\\n",$1); } { printf("%s\\n",$1); } , we actually tell it to print yylval (which is by default an int , not a string). { printf("%s\\n",$1); } ,实际上我们告诉它打印yylval (默认情况下是int ,而不是字符串)。

So, the trick is to convert the appropriate tokens into strings. 因此,诀窍是将适当的标记转换为字符串。

Here's my (updated) Lexer file : 这是我的(更新的)Lexer文件:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "parser.tab.h"

void toStr();

DIGIT               [0-9]
LETTER              [a-zA-Z]


find    { toStr(); return FIND; }
get     { toStr(); return GET; }
show    { toStr(); return SHOW; }

{DIGIT}+(\.{DIGIT}+)?   { toStr(); return NUMBER; }
{LETTER}+               { toStr(); return WORD; }
\n                      /* ignore end of line */;
[ \t]+                  /* ignore whitespace */;

void toStr()

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