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Sublime Text 2 - > Vim,如何在Chrome中打开html文件?

[英]Sublime Text 2 -> Vim, How do I open html file in Chrome?

Just getting started with Vim and am writing a basic HTML file. 刚开始使用Vim并正在编写一个基本的HTML文件。 In SublimeText you could just right click and open in browser, but i'm having trouble finding how to do the same with Vim. 在SublimeText中你可以右键单击并在浏览器中打开,但我很难找到如何对Vim做同样的事情。 I have Ubuntu and I want to preview the code in Chrome. 我有Ubuntu,我想在Chrome中预览代码。

Thanks! 谢谢!

You can use :! 你可以使用:! to execute external commands within vim (see :help :! ). 在vim中执行外部命令(参见:help :! )。 The % sign in an :ex command expands to the current file name (see :help :_% ). an :ex in命令中的%符号将扩展为当前文件名(请参阅:help :_% )。 That being said, you can use the following to first save the file and then open it in the browser of your choice 话虽这么说,您可以使用以下内容首先保存文件,然后在您选择的浏览器中打开它

:w|!google-chrome %

If you'd rather use firefox or chromium, use firefox or chromium , respectively, in place of google-chrome . 如果你想用Firefox或铬,使用firefoxchromium ,分别代替google-chrome If you're on mac or linux you could also use the open or xdg-open commands, respectively, to open the file in its default application. 如果您使用的是mac或linux,则还可以分别使用openxdg-open命令在其默认应用程序中打开该文件。 Don't want to type that out every time? 不想每次打出来吗? Make your own command or mapping in your .vimrc. 在.vimrc中创建自己的命令或映射。

command! ViewInBrowser :w|!google-chrome %
nnoremap <leader>b :ViewInBrowser<cr>

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