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从Clojure Repl和Leiningen运行测试

[英]Run tests from Clojure Repl and Leiningen

As a newbie to clojure, I have used leiningen to create a sample project with 作为clojure的新手,我使用leiningen创建了一个示例项目

lein new app first-project

which gave me this directory 这给了我这个目录

├── doc
│   └── intro.md
├── project.clj
├── README.md
├── resources
├── src
│   └── first_project
│       └── core.clj
├── target
│   └── repl
│       ├── classes
│       └── stale
│           └── extract-native.dependencies
└── test
    └── first_project
        └── core_test.clj

Without modifying any files, I can lauch successfully the only failing test with 无需修改任何文件,我就可以成功完成唯一失败的测试

lein test
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
1 failures, 0 errors.
Tests failed.

But I am unable to do the same from the REPL using run-tests 但是我无法使用运行测试在REPL中执行相同操作

lein repl
first-project.core=> (use 'clojure.test)
first-project.core=> (run-tests)

Testing first-project.core

Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
{:type :summary, :pass 0, :test 0, :error 0, :fail 0}

I tried (but does not work) 我尝试过(但不起作用)

(require 'first-project.core-test)

Start a REPL with lein repl , then use require lein repl启动一个REPL,然后使用require

(require '[clojure.test :refer [run-tests]])
(require 'your-ns.example-test :reload-all)
(run-tests 'your-ns.example-test)

I prefer to stay in the user namespace, as opposed to changing it with in-ns as mentioned by another answer . 我更喜欢保留在user名称空间中,而不是像另一个答案提到的那样使用in-ns进行更改。 Instead, pass the namespace as an argument to run-tests (as shown above). 而是将名称空间作为参数传递给run-tests (如上所示)。

I'd also recommend staying away from (use 'clojure.test) ; 我也建议远离(use 'clojure.test) that is why I suggested (require '[clojure.test :refer [run-tests]]) above. 这就是为什么我在上面建议(require '[clojure.test :refer [run-tests]]) For more background, read http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-879 有关更多背景信息,请阅读http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-879

In your example above the repl is in the wrong namespace. 在上面的示例中,REPL位于错误的名称空间中。 It may work better if you switch the repl to the core_test namespace. 如果将repl切换到core_test命名空间,则可能会更好。 and then run (run-tests) . 然后运行(run-tests)

(in-ns 'first-project.core-test)

Another fun way of developing tests is to just run them from the REPL until they work, because tests are normal functions with some extra metadata. 开发测试的另一种有趣方式是仅在REPL上运行它们,直到它们起作用为止,因为测试是具有一些额外元数据的正常功能。

(in-ns 'first-project.core-test)

Remember you have to load the file in addition to calling in-ns Let's say your test file is tests/first_project/core_test.clj , then you will need to call 记住,除了调用in-ns外,您还必须加载文件。假设您的测试文件是tests/first_project/core_test.clj ,那么您将需要调用

(load "tests/first_project/core_test")
(in-ns 'first-project.core-test)

Keep in mind that _ in the file system becomes - in the namespace and / becomes . 请记住,文件系统中的_在命名空间中变为- ,并且/变为. .

To recap: 回顾一下:

Way of require require

Full qualification of functions is only needed if you issued an in-ns earlier. 仅当您之前发出in-ns才需要完全限定功能。 Then do: 然后做:

(clojure.core/require '[clojure.core :refer [require]]
                      '[clojure.test :refer [run-tests]]
                      '[clojure.repl :refer [dir]])

; Load whatever is in namespace "foo.bar-test" and reload everything
; if `:reload-all` has been additionally given

(require 'foo.bar-test :reload-all) 
;=> nil

; List your tests for good measure (Note: don't quote the namespace symbol!)

(dir foo.bar-test)
;=> t-math
;=> t-arith
;=> t-exponential
;=> nil 

; Check meta-information on a test to verify selector for example 

(meta #'foo.bar-test/t-math)
;=> {:basic-math true, :test #object[foo.bar_tes...

; `run-tests` will probably run nothing because the current namespace
; doesn't contain any tests, unless you have changed it with "in-ns"

;=> Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.

; run tests by giving namespace explicitly instead

(run-tests 'foo.bar-test) 
;=> Ran 3 tests containing 29 assertions.

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