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[英]when a click is done on an image, how to show description of that image in a div?

i am fetching images from a database and showing on the page. 我从数据库中提取图像并在页面上显示。 now i want that, whenever a user clicks on any image, the description to that image should appear in a div. 现在我想要的是,每当用户点击任何图像时,该图像的描述应该出现在div中。 guide me. 引导我。

this is in the while loop- 这是在while循环中 -

<input type="image" src="<?php echo $row_data['image'];?>" id="<?php echo $row_data['name'];?>" onclick="showElement(this.id)" height=97>

and the js function- 和js功能 -

function showElement(x){
    var divid=document.getElementById(x);

Your html should be like this 你的HTML应该是这样的

 <img src="<?php echo $row_data['image'];?>" id="<?php echo $row_data['name'];?>"  onclick="showElement(this.id)" />
 <div id="des_<?php echo $row_data['name'];?>" style="display:none;">Hard coded value here</div>

and javascript like this 和这样的javascript

function showElement(x){
        var divid=document.getElementById('des_'+x);

If you can use jquery, you can do like this 如果你可以使用jquery,你可以这样做

<div class="image_block">
    <img src="path/to/image.png" alt='myimage' class='an_image' />
    <div class="image_desc" style="display:none">
        Lorem ipsum dolor consectetuer sit amet

$( document ).ready(function() {
    $('.image_block .an_image').click(function() {

you probably want to use 你可能想用


OR something like 或类似的东西

onclick="showElement(<?php echo $row_data['description_id']; ?>)"

because this.id is the current element id (the one you clicked) and not your description's id 因为this.id是当前元素id(你点击的那个)而不是你描述的id

In your while loop, also have a div which contains the description and is marked with the id of the image like so: 在你的while循环中,还有一个包含描述的div,并用图像的id标记,如下所示:

<div id="description-<?php echo $row_data['name'];?>" style="display:none;"><?php echo $row_data['desscription']' ?></div>

Then, modify your function like so: 然后,像这样修改你的函数:

    function showElement(x){
    var divid=document.getElementById(x);
    document.getElementById('description-' + divid).style.display="block";

With your js function, assuming the div is already in position change your js function like: 使用你的js函数,假设div已经在位置改变你的js函数,如:

    function showElement(x){
        var divid=document.getElementById('desc_'+x);
        divid.innerHTML = <?php echo $row_data['description'];?>

You basically add the following line before making the div visible: 在使div可见之前,您基本上添加以下行:

divid.innerHTML = <?php echo $row_data['description'];?> 

Before that, the img line should change to use a different id: 在此之前,img行应该更改为使用不同的id:

<input type="image" src="<?php echo $row_data['image'];?>" id="<?php echo $row_data['name'];?>" onclick="showElement(this.id)" height=97>

So the image line will have the id as 'imageName' and the description DIV will have the id in format 'desc_imageName'. 因此图像行的id为'imageName',描述DIV的id为'desc_imageName'格式。 Make sure your HTML building follow the same naming. 确保您的HTML构建遵循相同的命名。

Here is an example showing the Javascript side of things. 这是一个显示Javascript方面的例子。 Demo: jsfiddle 演示: jsfiddle

<input type="image" id="theImage"  onclick="showElement('textSpan')"  src="imageUrl"  onclick="showElement('textSpan')" height=97>
<div id='textSpan'>something</div>

Javascript: 使用Javascript:

function showElement(x){    
    var theDiv = document.getElementById(x);

You can use jQuery for that purpose. 你可以使用jQuery来达到这个目的。 I'll explain with a small piece of code: 我将用一小段代码解释:

                var alt = $(this).attr("alt");
    <img src="test.jpg" alt="IMAGE HAS THESE(WHATEVER) DETAILS" />

This above piece of code displays the details about an image that has been put in the alt attribute of the img tag. 上面这段代码显示了有关放在img标记的alt属性中的图像的详细信息。

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