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[英]AngularStrap popover flickers for some reason


My HTML is: 我的HTML是:

            <div class="pull-left" data-trigger="hover" bs-popover="popover">
              <a href="/address/text">

My controller has: 我的控制器有:

$scope.popover = {
  "title": "Title",
  "content": "Hello Popover<br />This is a multiline message!"

How come the popover doesn't always pop up? 为什么弹出式窗口并不总是弹出? You don't see it in this GIF, but for a fraction of a second, the popover appears on the left before flickering in on the right. 您在此GIF中看不到它,但是在不到一秒钟的时间内,弹出窗口显示在左侧,然后在右侧闪烁。 Also, why is the popover highlighted? 另外,为什么突出显示弹出窗口?

I wrote up a fiddle to show that you can just use inbuilt AngularJS directives to do this, including mouseenter and mouseleave . 我写了一个小提琴,以表明您可以使用内置的AngularJS指令来做到这一点,包括mouseentermouseleave There is no flickering from what I can see, either. 我所看到的也没有闪烁。

http://jsfiddle.net/jakemulley/dZe55/ http://jsfiddle.net/jakemulley/dZe55/

Hopefully this helps! 希望这会有所帮助!

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