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Facebook Open Graph Story仅对我可见

[英]Facebook Open Graph Story only visible for me

I'm using Open Graph Stories to share information from my iOS App. 我正在使用Open Graph Stories从我的iOS应用程序共享信息。

The Story is showing properly in MY Feed. 故事在MY Feed中正确显示。

But not in the timeline of my friends. 但不是我朋友的时间表。 Even if they open my FB profile, they can't see my posted story. 即使他们打开我的FB个人资料,他们也看不到我发布的故事。

My posted story is 'public' and I enabled public usage of my app: 我发布的故事是“公开的”,我启用了我的应用的公开使用:


How can I make it visible to all? 我怎样才能让所有人都看到它?

To make it visible, you have to submit in review from Facebook. 为了使其可见,您必须在Facebook上提交评论。 Follow the instructions here : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/submission-process/ 按照此处的说明操作: https//developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/submission-process/

Meanwhile, only admins, developers and testers of your app can see your posts. 同时,只有您应用的管理员,开发人员和测试人员才能看到您的帖子。

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