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[英]Read bytes of a USB mass storage device

I have a USB mass storage device that I encrypt with TrueCrypt . 我有一个用TrueCrypt加密的USB大容量存储设备。 When I connect it to Windows, it asks to format. 当我将其连接到Windows时,它要求格式化。 Using TrueCrypt reveals its contents, as expected. 如预期的那样,使用TrueCrypt会显示其内容。


How can I read the first 100 bytes of that device? 如何读取该设备的前100个字节?

I know the bytes will not make sense because they're encrypted but I want to read them in order to create a checksum. 我知道字节是没有意义的,因为它们已加密,但是我想读取它们以创建校验和。

Did this on the top of my head. 这是在我头上做的。 But is should work. 但是应该起作用。

 public static long getBytes(string letter)
        ManagementObject disk = new ManagementObject(String.Format("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid=\"{0}:\"", letter));
        return long.Parse(disk["Size"].ToString());

EDIT: Tested it and changed int to long. 编辑:对其进行了测试并将int更改为long。 It works. 有用。

What solutions have you considered so far? 到目前为止,您考虑过哪些解决方案? Does your application figure out when the USB device is plugged in or unplugged? 插入或拔出USB设备时,您的应用程序会知道吗?

As far as I know, there's no native support in .Net for directly accessing USB devices. 据我所知,.Net没有直接支持USB设备的本机支持。 I had to use libraries such as LibUsbDotNet ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusbdotnet/ ) or SharpUSBLib ( http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpUSBLib/ ) There were pros and cons to both in terms of samples, documentation etc. I am sure you will be able to find what suits you best. 我不得不使用诸如LibUsbDotNet( http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusbdotnet/ )或SharpUSBLib( http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpUSBLib/ )之类的库样本,文档等。我相信您将能够找到最适合自己的东西。

In one case I was able to connect to the device using WMDC, once the connection was established I used OpenNETCF RAPI library to read from / write to the device. 在一种情况下,我能够使用WMDC连接到设备,一旦建立了连接,我就使用OpenNETCF RAPI库读取/写入设备。

Here's another excellent resource that I had found useful when I wrote an application that needed to interact with a USB device (a barcode scanner). 这是我编写一个需要与USB设备(条形码扫描仪)进行交互的应用程序时发现的另一个非常有用的资源。 http://www.developerfusion.com/article/84338/making-usb-c-friendly/ http://www.developerfusion.com/article/84338/making-usb-c-friendly/

There was a good resourceful discussion to a similar question here on Stackoverflow : Working with USB devices in .NET 关于Stackoverflow的类似问题,这里进行了很好的讨论,内容丰富: 在.NET中使用USB设备

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