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AngularJS:如何在$ watch中链接$ timeout

[英]AngularJS: How to chain $timeout inside $watch

I am trying to chain two $timeout methods inside $watch. 我试图在$ watch中链接两个$ timeout方法。 $watch is used to see if user has performed any action. $ watch用于查看用户是否执行了任何操作。 If yes, then I am cancelling both the $timeout instances. 如果是,那么我要取消两个$ timeout实例。 Here is the code snippet. 这是代码片段。

.run(['$rootScope',  '$location', '$timeout', 'applicationCache', function ($rootScope, $location, $timeout, applicationCache) {
var popupTimer, logoutTimer;
var logoutInterval = 10000, popupInterval = 5000;
$rootScope.$watch(function detectIdle() {
        (popupTimer) ? $timeout.cancel(popupTimer) : undefined; // check if timer running, cancel it
        (logoutTimer) ? $timeout.cancel(logoutTimer) : undefined; // check if other timer running, cancel it
        popupTimer = $timeout(function(){
                console.log("show popup");
                logoutTimer = $timeout(function(){
                    $rootScope.userLoggedIn = false; // set logged In status to false
                    applicationCache.removeAll(); // destroy all session storage

What I want to achieve is in idle consition, show a popup after 5 second to user that his/her session is going to expire. 我要实现的是在空闲状态下,在5秒后向用户显示一个弹出窗口,告知他/她的会话即将到期。 If there is no interaction, he is logged out after 10 seconds. 如果没有互动,他将在10秒后退出。 If he interacts cancel both the timer and re-initialize the popup timer. 如果他进行交互,则取消两个计时器并重新初始化弹出计时器。

The problem I am facing is, if no interaction is performed at all, the inner timeout doesn't get executed. 我面临的问题是,如果根本不执行任何交互,则不会执行内部超时。 It gets cancelled as soon as it is initialized. 初始化后立即将其取消。 In console "logout" is never printed. 在控制台中,“注销”从不打印。 Only thing I am seeing in console is "show popup" getting printed repeatedly. 我在控制台中看到的唯一内容是“显示弹出窗口”被重复打印。

I guess $watch is getting executed as soon as the second timer is initialized and thus cancelling the inside timer. 我猜$ watch在第二个计时器初始化后立即开始执行,因此取消了内部计时器。

What can be done to handle this issue? 该如何处理?

I would use some boolean variable. 我会使用一些布尔变量。 See isInProgress : 参见isInProgress

.run(['$rootScope',  '$location', '$timeout', 'applicationCache', function ($rootScope, $location, $timeout, applicationCache) {
var popupTimer, logoutTimer, isInProgress= false;
var logoutInterval = 10000, popupInterval = 5000;
$rootScope.$watch(function detectIdle() {
    if($rootScope.userLoggedIn && !isInProgress){
        (popupTimer) ? $timeout.cancel(popupTimer) : undefined; // check if timer running, cancel it
        (logoutTimer) ? $timeout.cancel(logoutTimer) : undefined; // check if other timer running, cancel it
        popupTimer = $timeout(function(){
                console.log("show popup");
                logoutTimer = $timeout(function(){
                    isInProgress = false;
                    $rootScope.userLoggedIn = false; // set logged In status to false
                    applicationCache.removeAll(); // destroy all session storage
    isInProgress = true;

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