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[英]No define call function in Require.js

I have errors loading jquery-menu-aim and bootstrap with Require.js in backbone project. 我在主干项目中使用Require.js加载jquery-menu-aimbootstrap时出错。

Here are what I had defined in main.js of : 这是我在main.js中定义的内容:

    enforceDefine: true,
    paths: {
      //declare path jquery, backbone, underscore,and other library here....
      "jquery-menu-aim" : "libs/jquery/jquery.menu-aim",
      "bootstrap" : "libs/jquery/bootstrap.min"
    shim: {
      "jquery-menu-aim" : {
        deps: ["jquery"] ,
        exports: "Jquerymenuaim"
       "bootstrap" : {
        deps: ["jquery"] ,
        exports: "Bootstrap"

Errors : Uncaught Error: No define call for jquery-menu-aim http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#nodefine require.js:8 Uncaught Error: No define call for bootstrap http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#nodefine 错误:未捕获错误:对jquery-menu-aim没有定义调用http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#nodefine require.js:8未捕获错误:没有对引导程序http://requirejs.org/的定义调用文档/ errors.html#nodefine

When I defined it in my view. 当我在视图中定义它时。 I think maybe I was wrong in defining library in Shim config, but I can not found it in google. 我认为在Shim config中定义库可能是错误的,但在google中找不到。

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Your shim for Bootstrap is definitely wrong because Bootstrap does not define a symbol named Bootstrap . 您的Bootstrap填充程序绝对是错误的,因为Bootstrap没有定义名为Bootstrap的符号。 Here's what I use: 这是我使用的:

bootstrap: {
  deps: ["jquery"],
  exports: "jQuery.fn.popover"

The jQuery.fn.popover method is something that Bootstrap defines. jQuery.fn.popover方法是Bootstrap定义的。 If it is absent after RequireJS has loaded Bootstrap, that's a sure sign that Bootstrap has not loaded. 如果在RequireJS加载Bootstrap之后不存在,则表明Bootstrap没有加载。

Your shim for jquery.menu-aim is similarly wrong. 您的jquery.menu-aim填充程序同样错误。 Looking at the code , I see it is a jQuery plugin. 查看代码 ,我看到它是一个jQuery插件。 You should change your shim to check for a function it adds to jQuery. 您应该更改垫片以检查它添加到jQuery的功能。 jQuery.fn.menuAim looks like a good candidate. jQuery.fn.menuAim看起来不错。

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