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Double printf Java帮助

[英]Double printf java help

May someone explain to me how printf works with double. 可能有人向我解释printf如何与double一起工作。

I tried this sample of code 我尝试了这段代码示例

double d = 12345.123456789;

System.out.printf("START%13fEND %n", d);

And the output is: 输出为:

START 12345.123457END

I understand that it takes up 13 spaces the double d in this part. 我知道这部分占了Double d的13个空格。

But when I do the next piece of code: 但是,当我执行下一段代码时:

System.out.printf("START%fEND %n", d);

It outputs: 它输出:


Since %f is 6.2f why is it not: 由于%f6.2f为什么不是:

START 12345.13END

Use this: 用这个:

double d = 12345.123456789;

System.out.printf("START%.13fEND %n", d);

instead System.out.printf("START%13fEND %n", d); 而是System.out.printf("START%13fEND %n", d);

Since %f is 6.2f why is it not: 由于%f为6.2f,为什么不是:

START 12345.13END 开始12345.13END

If a decimal place is not specified ( %f ), the default is six digits to the right of the decimal. 如果未指定小数位( %f ),则默认值为小数点右边的六位数。 The numbers in in front of the decimal will always be respected. 小数点前的数字将始终受到尊重。

The 13 you orignally had %13f deals with the total number of character in the whole output. 您最初拥有%13f13字符处理整个输出中的字符总数。

START 12345.123457END 开始12345.123457END

When dealing with floats, the important number you want to consider, is the number behind the decimal. 处理浮点数时,要考虑的重要数字是小数点后的数字。 %.2f%

So the main two points to remember is that the number before the . 因此,要记住的主要两点是之前的数字. is the number of character spaces allocated, and the number after the . 是分配的字符空间的数量,以及.之后的数字. is the number of decimal places. 是小数位数。

Also keep in mind though, if the number of character spaces allocated is below the number of characters, all character will still show. 但也要记住,如果分配的字符空间数少于字符数,所有字符仍将显示。

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