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什么类型的元素*是* <li> `?

[英]What type of element *is* an `<li>`?

So I'm working on a script to check for valid HTML structure when I noticed something a little odd... 所以我正在研究一个脚本来检查有效的HTML结构,当我发现有些奇怪的东西时......

<li> does not seem to be listed as a block or inline element. <li>似乎没有被列为块内联元素。 Not W3C, not Moz Docs , or even w3.org . 不是W3C,不是Moz Docs ,甚至不是w3.org

The same goes for <dt> and <dd> , they just disappear into limbo and give no definitive element type. 对于<dt><dd> ,它们只是消失在边缘并且没有给出明确的元素类型。

So my question is: What is an <li> tag? 所以我的问题是: 什么 <li>标签? Block, inline, both ? 块,内联, 两者

While we're at it: What is allowed inside of one of these ambiguous tags? 虽然我们正处于这样的境界 :其中一个模糊标签内部允许什么?

The confusion probably arises because the terms "block" and "inline" have been applied to various different things. 可能出现混淆,因为术语“阻止”和“内联”已经应用于各种不同的事物。

Collections of elements in the HTML DTDs HTML DTD中的元素集合

li falls into neither group because it is only allowed as a child element of ul and ol rather then the many places that %block and %inline content is allowed. li既不属于小组也不属于小组,因为它只允许作为ulol的子元素,而不是允许%block%inline内容的许多地方。

CSS display properties CSS显示属性

As well as elements which have those values for that property by default. 以及默认情况下具有该属性值的元素。

li elements have been display: list-item since CSS 1. li元素已经display: list-item自CSS 1起。

Elements which trigger line breaks (and those which do not) 触发换行符的元素(以及不换行的元素)

These are very broad terms that aren't really useful in a technical sense. 这些是非常广泛的术语,在技术意义上并不真正有用。

HTML 5 has dropped the terms for the purposes of describing elements, and you should too. 为了描述元素,HTML 5已经删除了这些术语,你也应该这样做。

What is allowed inside of one of these ambiguous tags? 其中一个模糊标签内部允许什么?

See the HTML 5 specification : 请参阅HTML 5规范

Content model : 内容模型
Flow content. 流量内容。

Flow content is defined as: 流内容定义为:

  • a
  • abbr
  • address
  • area (if it is a descendant of a map element) area (如果它是map元素的后代)
  • article
  • aside
  • audio
  • b
  • bdi
  • bdo
  • blockquote
  • br
  • button
  • canvas
  • cite
  • code
  • data
  • datalist
  • del
  • details
  • dfn
  • dialog
  • div
  • dl
  • em
  • embed
  • fieldset
  • figure
  • footer
  • form
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • h6
  • header
  • hr
  • i
  • iframe
  • img
  • input
  • ins
  • kbd
  • keygen
  • label
  • main
  • map
  • mark
  • math
  • meter
  • nav
  • noscript
  • object
  • ol
  • output
  • p
  • pre
  • progress
  • q
  • ruby
  • s
  • samp
  • script
  • section
  • select
  • small
  • span
  • strong
  • style (if the scoped attribute is present) style (如果存在scoped属性)
  • sub
  • sup
  • svg
  • table
  • textarea
  • time
  • u
  • ul
  • var
  • video
  • wbr
  • text

如果你的意思是css display属性:display:list-item;

<li> tag defines a list item.
The <li> tag is used in ordered lists <ol> or unordered lists <ul>.

Example. 例。

unordered: 无序:


ordered: 下令:


its result is as shown below 其结果如下所示

  • paper
  • pen 钢笔
  • sheet
  1. Coffee 咖啡
  2. Tea
  3. Milk 牛奶

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