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[英]Rails Include Third Party Javascript Library File

I've got a Javascript library for AJAX file uploading that I need to include on only one page. 我有一个用于AJAX文件上传的Javascript库,我只需要在一个页面上包含它。 Where is the best folder for this for file? 这个文件的最佳文件夹在哪里? app/assets/javascripts ? app/assets/javascripts vendor/assets/javascripts ? vendor/assets/javascripts lib/assets/javascripts ? lib/assets/javascripts And then I need to be able to include it on only one page. 然后我需要能够将它包含在一个页面上。 Or should I just add it to application.js and have it included on every page (even know I'm only using it on one page?) 或者我应该将它添加到application.js并将其包含在每个页面上(甚至知道我只在一个页面上使用它?)

I figured for performance my best bet would be to put the minified JS file somewhere, and just include it with a javascript_include_tag on the page I need it, by using yield(:head) and content_for(:head) ? 我认为性能最好的方法是将缩小的JS文件放在某个地方,然后在我需要的页面上用javascript_include_tag包含它,使用yield(:head)content_for(:head) Thank you. 谢谢。

Third party JavaScripts should go inside vendor/assets/javascripts directory, because app/assets/javscripts is for your application specific JavaScripts and lib/assets/javascripts is for your libraries code which is separate to your application or libraries that you have shared across different applications. 第三方JavaScripts应该位于vendor/assets/javascripts目录中,因为app/assets/javscripts是针对特定于应用程序的JavaScripts而lib/assets/javascripts是针对您的库代码的,这些代码与您在不同的应用程序或库之间共享应用。

Please reference Asset Organization for further details. 请参阅资产组织了解更多详情。

As far as inclusion of javascripts in your application/page if you're using it only on a specific page then including the file with javascript_include_tag is the approach I would take as well. 至于在您的应用程序/页面中包含javascripts,如果您仅在特定页面上使用它,那么我将采用javascript_include_tag包含该文件。


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