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[英]Measuring time in C

I'm writing a lab assignment for programming classes. 我正在为编程课程编写实验作业。 I need to do it in C :). 我需要在C中执行:)。 The task I choose looks as follows: I created three kinds of data types in C: linked list, binary tree and avl tree. 我选择的任务如下所示:我在C中创建了三种数据类型:链表,二进制树和avl树。 All the data handle 5,000,000 elements. 所有数据处理5,000,000个元素。 I need to measure how long it takes to find and not find element in certain step. 我需要测量在特定步骤中查找和未找到元素所花费的时间。 I have fixed values for positive and negative findings. 对于阳性和阴性结果,我都有固定的值。

Here is some of my code that contains function for creating array of 5,000,000 numbers and two function for binary tree adding and finding node. 这是我的一些代码,其中包含用于创建5,000,000个数字的数组的功能和用于二叉树添加和查找节点的两个功能。 I hope that the code is quite clear. 我希望代码很清楚。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SIZE 5000000

typedef struct Node {

    int data;
    struct Node *left, *right;
} Node;

void evenArrayGen(int num, int even_nums[]);
void shuffle(int numbers[]);
void addNode(Node **root, int value);
Node* findNode(Node *root, int value);

/** Recursively adds given value to the tree
 * @param root
 * @param value

void addNode(Node **root, int value) {

    Node *temp;
    ///check statement to avoid infinite loop in adding
    if(*root == NULL) {
        temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        temp->data = value;
        temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
        *root = temp;
    ///recursively check where to add node
    ///if smaller than the root add to the left
    ///if bigger than the root add to the right
    else {
        temp = *root;
        if(value < temp->data) {
            addNode(&(temp->left), value);
        } else {
            addNode(&(temp->right), value);

/** Recursively searches for Node with given value
 * @param root
 * @param value
 * @return Node or NULL (if Node was not found)

Node* findNode(Node *root, int value) {

    Node *temp;
    ///check statement to avoid infinite loop in searching
    ///if it reachese that point given value is not in the tree
    if(root == NULL) {
       // printf("Given value is not in the tree\n");
        return NULL;
    temp = root;
    if(temp->data == value) {
       // printf("Searched value is: %i\n", temp->data);
        return temp;
    } else if(value < temp->data) {
        findNode(temp->left, value);
    } else {
        findNode(temp->right, value);

/** Generates array of ordered even numbers from 2
 * @param num number of uniqe even digits
 * @param array of size equal to the number

void evenArrayGen(int num, int even_nums[]) {

    int i, current;
    i = current = 0;
    for(; i<num; i++) {
        even_nums[i] = current += 2;

/** Shuffle the array in random order. Radomly gets the index between 0 and
 *  current last index. Swaps number at random index with last one and
 *  decreses the current_last index by 1.
 * @param array of numbers to be shuffled

void shuffle(int nums[]) {

    int i, len, current_last, index, temp;
    ///set the current_last to length of the array to track index for
    ///swaping nums
    current_last = len = SIZE;
    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
        index = rand()%(current_last);
        temp = nums[index];
        nums[index] = nums[current_last];
        nums[current_last] = temp;


int main() {

    //initialize root for the tree
    Node *root;
    //intilialize array of 5,000,000 elements, and scores
    static int nums[SIZE];
    int i; //iterator
    //initialize positive and negative numbers for find method
    int positive_num, negative_num;
    //initilaize timer
    clock_t start_for_adding, start_for_finding;

    //add elements to the array
    evenArrayGen(SIZE, nums);
    //set positive number to one of the first 5000 elements
    positive_num = nums[3222];
    negative_num = 345; //all numbers in num are even so negative need to be odd

    root = NULL; //set the root Node to NULL
    start_for_adding = clock(); //zero the timer

    //now iterate trough all elements in nums array and add each to
    //the binary tree
    for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++) {

        //check if i reached proper value
        if (i == 5000 || i == 50000 || i == 500000 || i == (5000000-1)) {
            //add the adding time
            printf("\nIndex: %d\n", i);
            printf("Adding: %.5f\n", (double) clock() - start_for_adding);
            start_for_finding = clock(); //zero the timer
            //search for positive num
            findNode(root, positive_num);
            printf("Finding positive: %.5f\n", 
                   (double) clock() - start_for_finding);
            start_for_finding = clock(); //zero the timer
            //search for negative num
            findNode(root, negative_num);
            printf("Finding negative: %.5f\n", 
                   (double) clock() - start_for_finding);
            start_for_adding = clock(); //reset the timer for adding
        addNode(&root, nums[i]);


The times for finding elements are pointing to zero (in both cases) 查找元素的时间都指向零(在两种情况下)

I'm pretty lost, have no idea where to follow now (the easiest part for my task shows that is the hardest one...) 我很迷茫,不知道现在应该去哪里(我的任务最简单的部分显示这是最困难的部分...)

The resolution of clock is most likely to coarse to measure the time taken by individual calls to your findNode function. clock的分辨率很可能会粗略地衡量findNode调用findNode函数所花费的时间。 Typically the time is measured to perform such a call lots of times and then divide this time by the number of times the call was performed. 通常,对时间进行测量以多次执行此类呼叫,然后将该时间除以执行呼叫的次数。

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