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我的逻辑正确吗? 我正在尝试从组合框(下拉列表)获取数据,并使用该数据在清单框中搜索和显示信息

[英]Is my logic correct? I'm trying to get data from combobox(dropdownlist) and use that data to search and display information in checkedlistbox

I keep getting this error whenever I do the search: Invalid column name 'datafromcombobox' 每当我执行搜索时,我都会不断收到此错误:无效的列名'datafromcombobox'

I tried hardcode the data in my SQL query and it works. 我尝试对SQL查询中的数据进行硬编码,并且可以正常工作。 Any idea what's wrong with my code? 知道我的代码有什么问题吗?

Here's the code: 这是代码:

        string selectedMedication = cboMedicationType.SelectedItem.ToString();

        string strMedications = "SELECT medicationName FROM MEDICATION WHERE medicationType= (" + selectedMedication + ")";
        SqlCommand cmdMedications = new SqlCommand(strMedications, connection);

        SqlDataReader readMedications = cmdMedications.ExecuteReader();

        while (readMedications.Read())
            string medicationVar = readMedications["medicationName"].ToString();
            clbMedication.Items.Add(medicationVar, true);


I think you just forgot the quotes in your query. 我认为您只是忘记了查询中的引号。 This should work : 这应该工作:

string strMedications = "SELECT medicationName FROM MEDICATION WHERE medicationType=   ('" + selectedMedication + "')";

I would do it this way: 我会这样:

using (SqlCommand cmdMedications = new SqlCommand(strMedications, connection))
    string strMedications = "SELECT medicationName FROM MEDICATION WHERE medicationType = @selectedMedication;
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("selectedMedication", cboMedicationType.SelectedItem.ToString());
    using (SqlDataReader readMedications = cmdMedications.ExecuteReader())
        while (readMedications.Read())
            string medicationVar = readMedications["medicationName"].ToString();
            clbMedication.Items.Add(medicationVar, true);

I changed several things: 我改变了几件事:

  • Always use parameterized queries. 始终使用参数化查询。 If you don't, you can be a victim of SQL Injection . 否则,您可能成为SQL Injection的受害者。 I changed that in your code. 我在您的代码中进行了更改。
  • It's usually better to use using in your code ( see this article ), because then you don't need to close or dispose objects--the using statements take care of that. 通常最好在代码中使用using请参阅本文 ),因为那样就不需要closedispose对象了using语句可以解决这一问题。
  • As for your error, it's probably an error in your query, but my code should take care of that. 至于您的错误,可能是您的查询中的错误,但是我的代码应该解决这个问题。

Let me know if I can clear up something else. 让我知道是否可以清除其他内容。 I hope this helps! 我希望这有帮助!

PS I mostly typed this without debugging so there might be some small things you might have to tweak, but I thing you should get the gist of it. PS我主要是在没有调试的情况下键入此内容,因此可能需要调整一些小东西,但我认为您应该了解它的要旨。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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