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[英]css selector or xpath selector

I have a div in the code. 我在代码中有一个div。 I dont want to display it or delete it. 我不想显示或删除它。 Either is ok 都可以

the following is the code: 以下是代码:

  <div addthis:url="http://sampletest.com/?p=2748" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style " addthis:title="Clarifying the event "></div>

this is from wordpress page. 这是从WordPress页面。

I dont know in css how to select addthis:url="http://sampletest.com/?p=2748" and addthis:title="Clarifying the event " because class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style is not unique thing to slect 我不知道在CSS中如何选择addthis:url =“ http://sampletest.com/?p=2748”和addthis:title =“澄清事件”,因为class =“ addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style不是唯一的选择

I tried using javascript 我尝试使用javascript

    element = document.evaluate('//div[@addthis:url="http://sampletest.com/?p=2748"]',

but it selects none. 但没有选择。

It has a class. 它有一个类。 All you have to do is target that class in your CSS. 您所需要做的就是在CSS中定位该类。

The class is addthis_toolbox , so the following will hide the div and its contents. 该类是addthis_toolbox ,因此以下内容将隐藏div及其内容。

.addthis_toolbox {
    display: none;

Just make sure this class isn't used in other elements that you don't wish to hide, otherwise they'll be hidden as well. 只要确保不要在您不想隐藏的其他元素中使用此类,否则它们也将被隐藏。

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