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通过链接按钮弹出“ jQuery对话框”

[英]JQuery Dialog box pop up through linkbuttons

I have a link button. 我有一个链接按钮。 On clicking on the that linkbutton, I want a dialog box to pop up. 在单击那个链接按钮时,我希望弹出一个对话框。 I tried a lot but unable to proceed. 我尝试了很多,但无法继续。

Following is the pieces of codes on how I am trying this. 以下是我如何尝试的代码片段。

in .cs file : (this is how I dynamically created the link button) (I have used lnkButtons class in my jquery. 在.cs文件中:(这是我动态创建链接按钮的方式)(我在jquery中使用了lnkBut​​tons类。

LinkButton lnkUpdateComment = new LinkButton();
lnkUpdateComment.ID = "" + objBridgeNotes.BridgeNotesId;
lnkUpdateComment.Text = "edit";
lnkUpdateComment.Attributes.Add("class", "lnkButtons");
lnkUpdateComment.Click += new EventHandler(lnkUpdateComment_Click);

.js file: .js文件:

$(document).ready(function()  {

$(".lnkButtons").live("click", function()  {
$("#divEditComment").dialog("option", "title", "Edit the Comment");
return true;

$(function () {
var dlg = $("#divEditComment").dialog({
    autoOpen: false,
    show: "blind",
    hide: "blind",
    //height: 450,
    minWidth: 400,
    //position: ['right', 210],
    buttons: {
        "Update Note": function () {

            var Updates = btnSubmitComment.replace(/_/g, '$');
            __doPostBack(Updates, '');


in .aspx file: 在.aspx文件中:

    <div id="divEditComment">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updComments" runat="server">
            <table width="100%" style="text-align: center">
                        <div id="divComments" runat="server">


Jquery jQuery的

$(function () {
    var dlg = $("#divEditComment").dialog({
        autoOpen: false,
        show: "blind",
        hide: "blind",
        //height: 450,
        minWidth: 400,
        //position: ['right', 210],
        buttons: {
            "Update Note": function () {

                var Updates = btnSubmitComment.replace(/_/g, '$');
                __doPostBack(Updates, '');

$(document).ready(function()  {

    $(".lnkButtons").live("click", function()  {
    return false;

.aspx .aspx

     <div id="divEditComment" title="Edit the comment">
    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="updComments" runat="server">
                <table width="100%" style="text-align: center">
                            <div id="divComments" runat="server">


Just replace return true to return false. 只需替换return true即可返回false。 It will worked. 会的。

 $(document).ready(function()  {

$(".lnkButtons").live("click", function()  {
$("#divEditComment").dialog("option", "title", "Edit the Comment");
**return false;**

$(function () {
var dlg = $("#divEditComment").dialog({
    autoOpen: false,
    show: "blind",
    hide: "blind",
    //height: 450,
    minWidth: 400,
    //position: ['right', 210],
    buttons: {
        "Update Note": function () {

            var Updates = btnSubmitComment.replace(/_/g, '$');
            __doPostBack(Updates, '');


------------------- Update --------------------- ------------------- 更新 ---------------------

LinkButton lnkUpdateComment = new LinkButton(); LinkBut​​ton lnkUpdateComment =新的LinkBut​​ton(); lnkUpdateComment.ID = "MyBtn" ; lnkUpdateComment.ID =“ MyBtn”; lnkUpdateComment.Text = "My name Is khan"; lnkUpdateComment.Text =“我的名字是可汗”; lnkUpdateComment.Attributes.Add("class", "lnkButtons"); lnkUpdateComment.Attributes.Add(“ class”,“ lnkBut​​tons”); YourPlaceholder.Controls.Add(lnkUpdateComment); YourPlaceholder.Controls.Add(lnkUpdateComment); lnkUpdateComment.Click += new EventHandler(lnkUpdateComment_Click); lnkUpdateComment.Click + =新的EventHandler(lnkUpdateComment_Click);

$(".lnkButtons").live("click", function() {
        var dlg33 = $("#dialog").dialog({
            title: "Filter records",
            height: "450",
            width: "600",
            maxHeight: "450",
            maxWidth: "600",
            buttons: {
                "Update Note": function() {

                    var Updates = btnSubmitComment.replace(/_/g, '$');
                    __doPostBack(Updates, '');
            return false;


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