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[英]How to enable WCF help pages through ServiceBehavior configuration?

I am looking to enable generated Help Pages for a WCF service that is configured with a <ServiceBehavior> instead of a <EndpointBehavior> . 我希望为配置了<ServiceBehavior>而不是<EndpointBehavior>的WCF服务启用生成的帮助页面。 95% of my searches result in something to do with <EndpointBehavior> and what few I do find for the <ServiceBehavior> are either unanswered, lack detail, or simply do not seem to work. 我有95%的搜索结果与<EndpointBehavior>而我对<ServiceBehavior>发现却很少,或者没有答案,或者缺乏详细信息,或者根本看起来不起作用。

I'm not the creator of this service which is hosted on IIS, but was tasked with enabling the Help Pages for the service. 我不是该服务的创建者,该服务托管在IIS上,但它的任务是启用该服务的帮助页面。 From what I have found, I should simply be able to enable the httpHelpPageEnabled attribute under the ServiceDebug element, but this does nothing and adding httpHelpPageUrl breaks the entire service when viewing in a browser. 从我发现的结果来看,我应该只能够启用ServiceDebug元素下的httpHelpPageEnabled属性,但这不会执行任何操作,并且添加httpHelpPageUrl会在浏览器中查看时破坏整个服务。

Config: relevant section anyway. 配置:相关部分。

  <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="false" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
      <binding name="serviceBinding">
        <security mode="None">
      <binding name="serviceWsBinding">
        <security mode="None">
  <client />
    <service behaviorConfiguration="ServiceBehavior" name="ServicesLib.Service">
      <endpoint listenUri="soap" name="soap" address="http://servicesdev.mySite.com/services/Service.svc/soap" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="serviceBinding" contract="ServicesLib.IService" />
      <endpoint listenUri="soap12" name="soap12" address="http://servicesdev.mySite.com/services/Service.svc/soap12" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="serviceWsBinding" contract="ServicesLib.IService" />
          <add baseAddress="http://servicesdev.mySite.com/services" />
    <!-- These EndpointBehaviors aren't used, they are just here :? -->
      <behavior name="restBehavior">
        <webHttp />
      <behavior name="soapBehavior">
        <webHttp helpEnabled="true" />
      <behavior name="ServiceBehavior">
        <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpsGetEnabled="true" externalMetadataLocation="../Services.wsdl" />
        <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" httpHelpPageEnabled="true" />

If this is not the right approach for whatever reason, perhaps someone could point me in the right direction of hosting custom Help Pages? 如果由于某种原因这不是正确的方法,也许有人可以指出我托管自定义帮助页面的正确方向? I have been reading this post on a solution for hosting one from a windows service but I am unsure of how to add this to a WCF Service that will be hosted alongside the service in the same manner. 我一直在阅读有关从Windows服务托管一个服务的解决方案的文章 ,但不确定如何将其添加到将与服务一起托管的WCF服务中。

The ServiceDebugElement HttpHelpPageEnabled and HttpHelpPageUrl properties provide a mechanism to enable a custom help page. ServiceDebugElement的HttpHelpPageEnabledHttpHelpPageUrl属性提供了一种启用自定义帮助页面的机制。 The properties will not, however, automatically tell the server to generate a custom page. 但是,这些属性不会自动告诉服务器生成自定义页面。 In order to provide your own custom help content, you will need to provide a URL for either a static html help page or an endpoint that returns the custom help page (as discussed in the article you referenced). 为了提供自己的自定义帮助内容,您将需要为静态html帮助页面或返回自定义帮助页面的端点提供URL(如您所引用的文章中所述)。
Regards, 问候,

<endpoint listenUri="soap" name="soap" address="http://servicesdev.mySite.com/services/Service.svc/soap" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="serviceBinding" contract="ServicesLib.IService" behaviorConfiguration="restBehavior" />
      <endpoint listenUri="soap12" name="soap12" address="http://servicesdev.mySite.com/services/Service.svc/soap12" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="serbviceWsBinding" contract="ServicesLib.IService" behaviorConfiguration="soapBehavior" />

          <behavior name="restBehavior">
            <webHttp helpEnabled="true"/>
          <behavior name="soapBehavior">
            <webHttp helpEnabled="true" />

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