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hql CASE语句从查询中排除数据

[英]hql CASE statement excluding data from query

I have this query in hql: 我在hql中有以下查询:

SELECT d.code as row1, d.name as row2, d.contractor.name as row3, 
        case when e is null then 'no emission'
            else case when e.zone is null then 'no coverage' 
                else e.zone.name 
FROM Design d
    left join d.emissions e
WHERE (d.code =:codeParam or :codeParam = null)
    and (d.contractor =:contracParam or :contracParam = null)

I want this to list every Design even if it doesn't have an Emission or the Emission it has doesn't have a zone. 我希望它列出每个设计,即使它没有排放或没有区域也是如此。 If I only do: 如果我只做:

case when e is null then 'no emission'
     else 'emission'

Every Design is listed correctly, but when I add the second case-when it only lists the Designs with zone. 每个设计都正确列出,但是当我添加第二种情况时(仅列出带区域的设计)。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? Please tell me if you need more information. 如果您需要更多信息,请告诉我。 Any help will be highly appreciated 任何帮助将不胜感激

You should follow the structure: 您应遵循以下结构:

   when ... then
   when ... then
   else ...

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