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[英]Symfony2 internal route in Twig render function

My layout.html.twig : 我的layout.html.twig

{{ render(controller('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:mainmenu')) }}

The Page controller retrieves all pages from the Doctrine and renders mainmenu.html.twig with a set of pages. Page控制器从该学说中检索所有页面,并使用一组页面呈现mainmenu.html.twig

My mainmenu.html.twig : 我的mainmenu.html.twig

{% if menu_pages is defined %}
    {% for page in menu_pages %}
        <li class="{% if app.request.attributes.get('_internal') == '_page_show' and app.request.get('id') == page.id %}active{% endif %}"><a href="{{ path('_page_show', {id: page.id}) }}">{{ page.title|e }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

But no active class is displayed. 但是不会显示任何active课程。 As far as I understand the problem is in internal routing. 据我了解,问题出在内部路由。 How to fix that? 如何解决?

Better do not use {{ render(controller('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:mainmenu')) }} . 最好不要使用{{ render(controller('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:mainmenu')) }} It work more fast and comfortable when you use services instead. 当您使用服务时,它可以更快,更舒适地工作。 You can create a service which will show menu on any page where you include them. 您可以创建一个服务,该服务将在包含它们的任何页面上显示菜单。 And in service you can easy get access to current _route for add active class. 在使用中,您可以轻松访问当前_route以添加active类。

But if you really need to use {{ render(controller('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:mainmenu')) }} , so you need pass to them a current request like: 但是,如果您确实需要使用{{ render(controller('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:mainmenu')) }} ,那么您需要将当前请求传递给他们,例如:

{{ render(controller('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:mainmenu', {'request': app.request})) }}

and then in action pass request to twig: 然后在操作中将请求传递给树枝:

public function mainmenuAction($request) {

    return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:mainmenu.html.twig', array('request' => $request));

and in twig use this request: 并在树枝中使用此请求:

{% if menu_pages is defined %}
    {% for page in menu_pages %}
        <li class="{% if request.get('_route') == '_page_show' and request.get('id') == page.id %}active{% endif %}"><a href="{{ path('_page_show', {id: page.id}) }}">{{ page.title|e }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

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