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[英]Sort datatable by hidden column

I have datatable with id, firstName, lastName, phone, updated fields. 我有datatableid, firstName, lastName, phone, updated领域。

Problem: I add to datatable only four fields (id, firstName, lastName and phone). 问题:我只向datatable添加了四个字段(id,firstName,lastName和phone)。 Updated field is hidden. Updated字段已隐藏。

Question: how to sort datatable by updated field? 问:如何排序datatable通过updated领域?

My code: 我的代码:

        sDom: '<"top"fi>tS',
        sScrollY: ($(window).height() - 250) + "px",
        bPaginate: false,
        bDeferRender: true,
        bAutoWidth: false,
        oLanguage: {
            sInfo: "Total: _TOTAL_ entities",
            sEmptyTable: "No pending entities"
        "aoColumnDefs": [
            { "iDataSort": 4, "aTargets": [ 0 ] }
        "aoColumns": [
            { "sWidth": "10%" },
            { "sWidth": "40%" },
            { "sWidth": "30%" },
            { "sWidth": "20%" },
            { "sTitle": "updated ", "bVisible":false }
        fnCreatedRow: function( nRow, aData, iDataIndex ) {
            $(nRow).attr('id', aData[0]);

table.fnAddData([id, firstName, lastName, phone, updated]);

From the documentation: . 从文档:

iDataSort The column index (starting from 0!) that you wish a sort to be performed upon when this column is selected for sorting. iDataSort您希望在选择此列进行排序时执行排序的列索引(从0开始!)。 This can be used for sorting on hidden columns for example. 例如,这可用于对隐藏列进行排序。

Default: -1 Use automatically calculated column index Default: -1 使用自动计算的列索引

Type: int

 // Using aoColumnDefs $(document).ready( function() { $('#example').dataTable( { "aoColumnDefs": [ { "iDataSort": 1, "aTargets": [ 0 ] } ] } ); } ); // Using aoColumns $(document).ready( function() { $('#example').dataTable( { "aoColumns": [ { "iDataSort": 1 }, null, null, null, null ] } ); } ); 

you can simply use { "iDataSort": 4 } here (4 is the index of your hidden field) 你可以在这里简单地使用{ "iDataSort": 4 } (4是隐藏字段的索引)

var data = [

To add hidden fields and to add data to table 添加隐藏字段并向表中添加数据

aaData: data,
aoColumns :[
        { "sTitle": "id","bSortable": false },
        { "sTitle": "firstName","bSortable": false, },
        { "sTitle": "lastName", "bSortable": false,},
        {"sTitle": "phone","bSortable": false},
        {"sTitle": "updated ", "bVisible":false },

To add hidden fields use "bVisible":false 要添加隐藏字段,请使用"bVisible":false

I was facing a problem by sorting the hidden column in runtime, don't know the approach is valid or not. 我在运行时对隐藏列进行排序时遇到了问题,不知道方法是否有效。 I used the following lines to hide the column via CSS 我使用以下行来通过CSS隐藏列

td:nth-of-type(2) {
display: none;

Where 2 is your column, assign a class to your <th class="mycolum1"> and use jquery to sort it like 其中2是你的列,为你的<th class="mycolum1">分配一个类并使用jquery对它进行排序


Pardon me if the approach is not valid but in my case it is 100% acceptable. 请原谅我,如果方法无效,但在我的情况下,它是100%可接受的。

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