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[英]basic php form help (currency display)

You guys were very helpful yesterday. 昨天你们非常有帮助。 I am still a bit confused here though. 我仍然有点困惑。

I want to make it so that the numbers on the rightmost column are rounded off to the nearest dollar: 我想这样做,以便最右边一列的数字四舍五入为最接近的美元:

http://www.nextadvisor.com/voip_services/voip_calculator.php?monthlybill=50&Submit=Submit http://www.nextadvisor.com/voip_services/voip_calculator.php?monthlybill=50&Submit=提交

the code for the table looks like this: 该表的代码如下所示:

I want $offer[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]calcsavingsann to be rounded, how can do this? 我想将$ offer [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] calc Savingsann进行四舍五入,该怎么办?

 <table width="100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"class="credit_table2" >

    <tr class="credit_table2_brd">
     <td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="100px;">Services:</td>
<td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="120px;">Our Ratings:</td>
<td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="155px;">Monthly VoIP Bill:</td>
<td class="credit_table2_brd_lbl" width="155px;">Annual Savings:</td>




 $offer1calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer1price;
 $offer2calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer2price;
 $offer3calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer3price;
 $offer4calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer4price;
 $offer5calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer5price;
 $offer6calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer6price;
 $offer7calcsavings= $monthlybill - $offer7price;


 $offer1calcsavingsann= $offer1calcsavings * 12;
 $offer2calcsavingsann= $offer2calcsavings * 12;
 $offer3calcsavingsann= $offer3calcsavings * 12;
 $offer4calcsavingsann= $offer4calcsavings * 12;
 $offer5calcsavingsann= $offer5calcsavings * 12;
 $offer6calcsavingsann= $offer6calcsavings * 12;
 $offer7calcsavingsann= $offer7calcsavings * 12;

   $offer ='offer'.$re.'name';
 $offername= ${$offer};
$offerlo ='offer'.$re.'logo';
$offerli ='offer'.$re.'link';
$offeran ='offer'.$re.'anchor';
$offerst ='offer'.$re.'star1';
$offerca ='offer'.$re.'calcsavings';
    $offerpr ='offer'.$re.'price';
$offersavann ='offer'.$re.'calcsavingsann';

echo '<tr >
     <td >
 <a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank"><img src="http://www.nextadvisor.com'.$offerlogo.'" alt="'.$offername.'" />
<td ><span class="rating_text">Rating:</span>
 <span class="star_rating1">
 <img src="http://www.nextadvisor.com'.$offerstar.'" alt="" />
 <br />
  <div style="margin-top:5px; color:#0000FF;">
 <a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank">Go to Site</a>
 <span style="margin:0px 7px 0px 7px;">|</span><a href="'.$offeranchor.'">Review</a>     

 </div> </td>
       <td >$'.$offerprice.'</td>
     <td >$'.$offercalcsavingsann.'</td>

   $offer ='offer'.$re.'name';
 $offername= ${$offer};




Do you want rounded up/down/truncated to the nearest dollar? 您要四舍五入到最接近的美元吗?

Here are some suggested functions you can use: 以下是一些您可以使用的建议功能:

Rounding 四舍五入

round 回合

floor 地板

ceil 细胞

Formatting/Truncating 格式化/截断

sprintf 冲刺

Grepsedawk's answer is good; Grepsedawk的回答很好。 the only thing I would add is that rather than displaying $336.6, for example, you could could use number_format to output $336.60. 我唯一要添加的是,例如,您可以使用number_format输出$ 336.60,而不是显示$ 336.6。

(I know this wasn't your question, but looking at the link, I thought that might be useful for you.) (我知道这不是您的问题,但是查看链接,我认为这可能对您有用。)

Edit - Thanks to Andy for suggesting money_format instead. 编辑-感谢Andy提出了money_format的建议。

money_format() is a function that returns a string value of a formatted number. money_format()是一个返回格式化数字的字符串值的函数。 You have control over the formatting and, obviously, your number. 您可以控制格式,当然也可以控制您的号码。 A simple example, if you have your value in the variable $myNumber , you could incorporate the result into a given table's data cell like so; 一个简单的例子,如果您的值位于变量$myNumber ,则可以将结果合并到给定表的数据单元中,如下所示:

<?php echo ("<td>".money_format('%n',$myNumber)."</td>"); ?>

And you would need to do this for every value, eg via a for loop if you had all your values in an array. 而且,您需要对每个值执行此操作,例如for如果将所有值都放在数组中,则需要通过for循环。 The n here is one of the formatting options - there are several. 这里的n是格式设置选项之一-有多个。 A good place to look would be on the PHP web page at http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.money-format.php Hope this helps. 可以在PHP网页http://au2.php.net/manual/en/function.money-format.php上找到一个不错的地方,希望这会有所帮助。

I can't seem to get the usage right. 我似乎无法正确使用。 The way I am using echo is 我使用echo的方式是

echo '<tr >

  <td ><a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank"><img src="http://www.nextadvisor.com'.$offerlogo.'" alt="'.$offername.'" /></a></td>

 <td ><span class="rating_text">Rating:</span><span class="star_rating1"><img src="http://www.nextadvisor.com'.$offerstar.'" alt="" /></span><br />

  <div style="margin-top:5px; color:#0000FF;"><a href="'.$offerlink.'" target="blank">Go to Site</a><span style="margin:0px 7px 0px 7px;">|</span><a href="'.$offeranchor.'">Review</a></div>   </td>

  <td >$'.$offerprice.'</td>

<td >$'.$offercalcsavingsann.'</td>


I put the "set locale" up where the 我将“设置区域设置”放在


is. 是。 I don't understand how to write it, and every way I do just returns an error. 我不明白该怎么写,而我做的每一种方式都只会返回一个错误。

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