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[英]No matching function call when passing member function of a class to pthread_cleanup_push()

When I try to pass my function cleanup_thread() to pthread_cleanup_push() : 当我尝试将函数cleanup_thread()传递给pthread_cleanup_push()

pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup_thread, arg);

I get the following compiler error: 我收到以下编译器错误:

 error: no matching function for call to ‘__pthread_cleanup_class::__pthread_cleanup_class(<unresolved overloaded function type>, void*&)’

I guess its because void cleanup_thread(void *arg) is a member function of my class and therefor has the this pointer as first argument. 我猜是因为void cleanup_thread(void *arg)是我的类的成员函数,因此具有this指针作为第一个参数。 So the signature of the function cleanup_thread() does not match. 因此,函数cleanup_thread()的签名不匹配。 How can I tell pthread_cleanup_push() to use my member function cleanup_thread() ? 如何告诉pthread_cleanup_push()使用我的成员函数cleanup_thread()

The easiest solution is probably to make the function a static member function, and pass the instance pointer as the argument. 最简单的解决方案可能是使函数成为static成员函数,并将实例指针作为参数传递。

Something like this: 像这样:

struct data_struct
    some_class* instance;
    pthread_t   thread_id;

class some_class

    static void cleanup_thread(void* arg)
        data_struct* ptr = reinterpret_cast<data_struct*>(arg);
        delete ptr;

    void private_cleanup_thread()


some_class* some_class_ptr = new some_class;


data_struct* data_ptr = new data_struct;
data_ptr->instance = some_class_ptr;
data_ptr->thread_id = some_thread_id;

pthread_cleanup_push(&some_class::cleanup_thread, data_ptr);

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