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iOS 7文本工具包:NSLayoutManager何时填充了最后一个NSTextContainer?

[英]iOS 7 Text Kit: When has NSLayoutManager filled its last NSTextContainer?

I'm using Text Kit in combination with UIPageViewController to create a book. 我将Text Kit与UIPageViewController结合使用来创建一本书。 The original text is stored in a text file (.html) and placed into a NSTextStorage. 原始文本存储在文本文件(.html)中,并放置在NSTextStorage中。

The [NSLayoutManager addTextContainer:(NSTextContaner*)txt] method works great, but there is no way to know when the NSLayoutManager has filled the last NSTextContainer - it just keep returning NSTextContainer even after all the next is displayed. [NSLayoutManager addTextContainer:(NSTextContaner *)txt]方法效果很好,但是没有办法知道NSLayoutManager何时填充了最后一个NSTextContainer-即使显示所有下一个,它也只会返回NSTextContainer。 As result you get an all bank pages after the NSLayoutManager is done. 结果,完成NSLayoutManager后,您将获得所有库页面。

I've tried using the [NSLayoutManagerDelegate didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer: atEnd:] callback method but it isn't working properly. 我试过使用[NSLayoutManagerDelegate didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer:atEnd:]回调方法,但无法正常工作。 It returns atEnd flag = YES after filling each NSTextContainer, not just when the last NSTextContainer is filled. 填充每个NSTextContainer之后,它不仅返回最后一个NSTextContainer填充时间,还返回atEnd标志= YES。 I have set UITextView.scrollable = NO (suggested elsewhere) but that doesn't help. 我设置了UITextView.scrollable = NO(在其他地方建议),但这没有帮助。

I also tried to check the text by calling UITextView.text when no text is displayed, but that method always return the contents of the entire NSTextStorage that lays behind the NSTextContainer/NSLayoutManager. 我也尝试通过在没有文本显示时调用UITextView.text来检查文本,但是该方法始终返回位于NSTextContainer / NSLayoutManager后面的整个NSTextStorage的内容。

If I can't tell when the last container is filled I don't know when all the pages are laid out. 如果我不知道何时填充了最后一个容器,则不知道何时布置了所有页面。 Is there a way to test the UITextView to see if its empty or NSContainer, or NSLayoutManager to see done laying out text? 有没有一种方法可以测试UITextView来查看其是否为空或NSContainer或NSLayoutManager来查看完成的文本布局?

I was never able to get the call back method be called correctly - I think its a bug - but I found a way to check if the next container is going to be empty or not.. 我一直无法正确调用call方法-我认为这是一个错误-但我找到了一种检查下一个容器是否为空的方法。

    [_layoutManager addTextContainer:textContainer];
    NSRange range = [_layoutManager glyphRangeForTextContainer:textContainer];
    if (range.length == 0) {
        return nil;// top adding container because this last one is empty

Check whether container is last by calling glyphRangeForTextContainer method. 通过调用glyphRangeForTextContainer方法检查容器是否为最后一个。 If it exceeds number of glyphs, that's the last container. 如果超过字形,则为最后一个容器。


let glyphRange = NSMaxRange((layoutManager.glyphRangeForTextContainer(container)))
if glyphRange >= layoutManager.numberOfGlyphs {
    // last container

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