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[英]Grails test-app -https

i've just upgraded my app to grails 2.3.4 and i'm implementing Cucumber and Geb test in order to keep it all covered. 我刚刚将我的应用程序升级到grails 2.3.4,并且正在实施Cucumber和Geb测试,以确保所有内容均得到覆盖。

The problem is that one of the requirements of the application that should only listen secure connections (https) so i added in config groovy 问题是该应用程序的要求之一应该只监听安全连接(https),因此我在config groovy中添加了

grails.plugin.springsecurity.auth.forceHttps = "true"
grails.plugin.springsecurity.secureChannel.definition = [

Now, the problem is when i run grails test-app -https, is not working the param -https and only starts the application in non-secure channel. 现在,问题是当我运行grails test-app -https,无法使用params -https时,仅在非安全通道中启动应用程序。

Any ideas to run test-app in https? 有什么想法在https中运行test-app吗?

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Seems to be a Grails bug. 似乎是Grails的错误。 I have submitted a pull request and also added a comment to this question. 我已经提交了请求请求,并且还对此问题添加了评论。

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