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Mysql PHP搜索内部联接

[英]Mysql PHP Search Inner Join

I'm using MYSql database that outputs like this from my inner join query: 我正在使用MYSql数据库,它从我的内部联接查询中输出如下: 在此处输入图片说明

Using this query (It works fine) 使用此查询(效果很好)

$result = mysql_query( "
   `account`.`name`, `customfield`.`value`, `note`.`occurredondatetime` noteid 
       from  (`note`, `activity`, `ownedsecurableitem` ownedsecurableitem1)
left join `activity_item` on `activity_item`.`activity_id` = `activity`.`id` 
  left join `item` on `item`.`id` = `activity_item`.`item_id` 
    left join `securableitem` on `securableitem`.`item_id` = `item`.`id` 
left join `ownedsecurableitem` on `ownedsecurableitem`.`securableitem_id` = `securableitem`.`id` 
  left join `account` on `account`.`ownedsecurableitem_id` = `ownedsecurableitem`.`id` 
    left join `_user` on `_user`.`id` = `ownedsecurableitem1`.`owner__user_id` 
left join `customfield` on `customfield`.`id` = `account`.`salecyclecstm_customfield_id`

where (`account`.`name` IS NOT NULL) 
  and `activity`.`id` = `note`.`activity_id` 
    and `ownedsecurableitem1`.`id` = `activity`.`ownedsecurableitem_id`
      and (`note`.`occurredondatetime` IS NOT NULL)
       and name='".$_POST['query']."'";

 ORDER BY occurredondatetime DESC


 or die("SELECT Error: ".mysql_error());    
  print "<table border=1 >\n";  
   $account = "Account";
    $sale = "Sale Cycle";
     $date = "Date";
      print "\t<td><bold><b>$account<b></td>\n";
       print "\t<td><bold><b>$sale<b></td>\n";
 print "\t<td><bold><b>$date<b></td>\n";
  while ($get_info = mysql_fetch_row($result)){  
   print "<P>";
    print "<tr>\n";  
     foreach ($get_info as $field) 
      print "\t<td>$field</td>\n";
       print "</tr>\n";  
         print "</table>\n";

My question is: How would I create a form (Textbox input) that I can search the Account and it will out the Sale Cycle and Date fields (NOT IN A TABLE)? 我的问题是:我将如何创建一个可以搜索该帐户的表单(文本框输入),该表单将显示“销售周期”和“日期”字段(不在表格中)? Ideally I would like it to output on the same page, so Java or Ajax? 理想情况下,我希望它在同一页面上输出,所以Java还是Ajax?

I have : HTML 我有:HTML

<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="search.php"> //change here
Select Name :
<input type="text" name="query" /> 
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="search" />


$query=mysql_query($select) or die($select);
if($numrow != 0)
<?php echo $row['name'];
<?php echo $row['SalesStages'];

First of all your php coding is wrong.You are using <?php at unwanted places.Please remove it and you have to write a query before you execute it. 首先您的php编码是错误的。您在不需要的地方使用<?php 。请删除它,并且必须在执行之前编写查询。

<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="search.php"> //change here
Select Name :
<input type="text" name="query" /> 
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="search" />

$query="select * from table where Account='".$_POST['query']."'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

 echo $row['name'];
 echo $row['SalesStages'];

您可以使用javascript创建动态表,这是一个示例: http : //listjs.com/它允许您搜索和排序。

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