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[英]How to escape and unescape quotes in JavaScript?

Here's a short piece of code: 这是一段很短的代码:

var utility = {
    escapeQuotes: function(string) {
        return string.replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'),'\\"');
    unescapeQuotes: function(string) {
        return string.replace(new RegExp('\\"', 'g'),'"');

var a = 'hi "';

var b = utility.escapeQuotes(a);
var c = utility.unescapeQuotes(b);

console.log(b + ' | ' + c);

I would expect this code to work, however as a result I receive: 我希望这段代码能够正常运行,但结果却收到了:

hi \" | hi \"

If I change the first parameter of the new RegExp constructor in the unescapeQuotes method to 4 backslashes everything starts working as it should. 如果我将unescapeQuotes方法中新的RegExp构造函数的第一个参数更改为4个反斜杠,则一切都会按预期运行。

string.replace(new RegExp('\\\\"', 'g'),'"');

The result: 结果:

hi \" | hi " 

Why are four backslashes needed as the first parameter of the new RegExp constructor? 为什么需要四个反斜杠作为新RegExp构造函数的第一个参数? Why doesn't it work with only 2 of them? 为什么它只与其中2个一起使用?

The problem is that you're using the RegExp constructor, which accepts a string, rather than using a regular expression literal. 问题是你正在使用RegExp构造函数,它接受一个字符串,而不是使用正则表达式文字。 So in this line in your unescape: 所以在你的unescape的这一行:

return string.replace(new RegExp('\\"', 'g'),'"');

...the \\\\ is interpreted by the JavaScript parser as part handling the string , resulting in a single backslash being handed to the regular expression parser. ... \\\\作为处理字符串的部分由JavaScript解析器解释,导致将单个反斜杠传递给正则表达式解析器。 So the expression the regular expression parser sees is \\" . The backslash is an escape character in regex, too, but \\" doesn't mean anything special and just ends up being " . To have an actual backslash in a regex, you have to have two of them; to do that in a string literal, you have to have four (so they survive both layers of interpretation). 所以正则表达式解析器看到的表达式是\\" 。”反斜杠也是正则表达式中的转义字符,但是\\"并不意味着什么特别的东西,最终只是" 。要在正则表达式中有一个实际的反斜杠,你有有两个;要在字符串文字中这样做,你必须有四个 (因此它们在两个解释层中都存在)。

Unless you have a very good reason to use the RegExp constructor (eg, you have to use some varying input), always use the literal form: 除非你有充分的理由使用RegExp构造函数(例如,你必须使用一些不同的输入),所以总是使用文字形式:

var utility = {
    escapeQuotes: function(string) {
        return string.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
    unescapeQuotes: function(string) {
        return string.replace(/\\"/g, '"');

It's a lot less confusing. 它不那么令人困惑。

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