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[英]Multiple Dropdown Menus

I am looking to add two different "navigation" sections to a page on mobile. 我希望将两个不同的“导航”部分添加到移动设备页面上。 Here is the jQuery pull to make the dropdown work. 这是使下拉菜单起作用的jQuery pull。 However, when I add in a second section of markup for the second dropdown, the one menu button opens BOTH menus. 但是,当我在第二个下拉菜单中添加标记的第二部分时,一个菜单按钮将同时打开两个菜单。 Is it possible to use more than one? 可以使用多个吗? Or what am I missing to make it open each one separately? 还是我缺少将其分别打开的功能?

jQuery(function() {  
var pull        = jQuery('#pull');  
    menu        = jQuery('nav ul');  
    menuHeight  = menu.height();  

jQuery(pull).on('click', function(e) {  

var w = jQuery(window).width();  
if(w > 320 && menu.is(':hidden')) {  

You need to change the menu and pull variable values. 您需要更改menupull变量值。

Also, add a var before the variables as so, so the variables don't become global: 同样,在变量之前添加var,这样变量就不会成为全局变量:

var pull        = jQuery('#pull');  
var menu        = jQuery('nav ul');  
var menuHeight  = menu.height(); 

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