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使用Imperavi Redactor所见即所得编辑器在sign @处

[英]at sign @ with Imperavi Redactor wysiwyg editor

i try to add an @ sign in a text using Redactor JS but it seems to be a shortcut key so it dont work for me, nothing appears. 我尝试使用Redactor JS在文本中添加@符号 ,但它似乎是快捷键,因此对我不起作用,没有任何显示。 I can type it in the "code mode" but not in the "editor mode" Do you have an idea for overriding this bug ? 我可以在“代码模式”中键入它,但不能在“编辑器模式”中键入。您有重写此bug的想法吗?

I'm french so i use ALT Gr + 0 , which is also the key for the à and @ 我是法国人,所以我使用ALT Gr + 0,这也是à和@的关键

Thank you 谢谢

Problem fixed : 解决的问题:

this problem is from shortcuts key ALT Gr + 0 此问题来自快捷键ALT Gr + 0

I find the line 1766 in the redactor.js and i bypass the condition by adding RETURN to avoid the e.preventDefault() which is blocking my @ . 我在redactor.js中找到第1766行,并通过添加RETURN来避免出现这种情况,以避免e.preventDefault() 阻止我的@

replace : 替换:

if (key === 48) this.shortcutsLoadFormat(e, 'p'); 如果(key === 48)this.shortcutsLoadFormat(e,'p'); // ctrl + alt + 0 // Ctrl + Alt + 0

by : 创建人:

if (key === 48) return; 如果(key === 48)返回;

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