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[英]Driver Testing an error occurred deploying the driver(s) in the solution : The system can not find the file specified

I am trying to create a very simple WDM driver in Visual Studio 2013. I have successfully provisioned a virtual pc running win7 sp1 x86 on a wmware machine using serial port. 我试图在Visual Studio 2013中创建一个非常简单的WDM驱动程序。我已经成功使用串行端口在wmware机器上预配置了运行win7 sp1 x86的虚拟PC。 Now that i want to debug the driver, i get the error : 现在,我想调试驱动程序,我得到了错误:

Driver Testing an error occurred deploying the driver(s) in the solution : The system can not find the file specified. 驱动程序测试在解决方案中部署驱动程序时发生错误:系统找不到指定的文件。

What is the cause here and how can i solve this problem? 这是什么原因,我该如何解决这个问题?


您需要选择MyDriver1 Package作为启动项目。

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