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扩展自定义Backbone.Marionette视图。如何隐含地引发原型事件/ onRender?

[英]Extending a custom Backbone.Marionette view. How to implicitly incur prototype's events/onRender?

I have a view: 我有一个观点:

var MultiSelectCompositeView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({

    events: {
        'click .listItem': 'setSelectedOnClick'

    onRender: function () {
        console.log("MultiSelectCompositeView onRender has executed.");

and I have another view which extends MultiSelectCompositeView: 我有另一个扩展MultiSelectCompositeView的视图:

var VideoSearchView = MultiSelectCompositeView.extend({

    events: _.extend(MultiSelectCompositeView.prototype.events, {
        'input @ui.searchInput': 'showVideoSuggestions',
        'click button#hideVideoSearch': 'destroyModel',
        'contextmenu @ui.videoSearchResults': 'showContextMenu'

    onRender: function () {

        this.ui.playlistActions.append((new PlaySelectedButtonView()).render().el);
        this.ui.playlistActions.append((new SaveSelectedButtonView()).render().el);

        //  TODO: Is there a better way to do this?
        MultiSelectCompositeView.prototype.onRender.call(this, arguments);

I'm unhappy with the fact that VideoSearchView doesn't implicitly extend the events of MultiSelectCompositeView and that VideoSearchView has to manually call MultiSelectCompositeView's onRender method. 我对VideoSearchView不会隐式扩展MultiSelectCompositeView的事件以及VideoSearchView必须手动调用MultiSelectCompositeView的onRender方法这一事实感到不满。

Is there something with Backbone.Marionette which would allow me to extend my custom view in a more seamless fashion? Backbone.Marionette有什么东西可以让我以更加无缝的方式扩展我的自定义视图吗?

You have done two things here in the wrong way. 你在这里做错了两件事。

First. 第一。 Do not change the prototype of the MultiSelectCompositeView, just create and use a new object: 不要更改MultiSelectCompositeView的原型,只需创建并使用新对象:

events : _.extend({}, MultiSelectCompositeView.prototype.events, {
  'input @ui.searchInput' : 'showVideoSuggestions'
  // ...

Second. 第二。 Execute super method with proper arguments (using apply not call ): 使用适当的参数执行super方法(使用apply not call ):

onRender : function () {
  // ...
  MultiSelectCompositeView.prototype.onRender.apply(this, arguments);

Or you can use "shortcut": 或者您可以使用“快捷方式”:

var superProto = MultiSelectCompositeView.prototype;
var VideoSearchView = MultiSelectCompositeView.extend({

  onRender : function () {
    // ...
    superProto.onRender.apply(this, arguments);


See also - Super in Backbone . 另请参阅 - Backbone中的Super

Not as part of marionette/backbone... I know, it is a pain. 不是木偶/骨干的一部分......我知道,这是一种痛苦。

If you use coffeescript you can use the super keyword 如果您使用coffeescript,则可以使用super关键字

onRender: function () {

    this.ui.playlistActions.append((new PlaySelectedButtonView()).render().el);
    this.ui.playlistActions.append((new SaveSelectedButtonView()).render().el);
    super # this will automatically pass the arguments  - notice no parentheses

} }

As for your events extension you can use the :: 至于您的活动扩展,您可以使用::

events: _.extend({}, @::events, # rest of code

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