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[英]Creating bash script to parse xml file to csv

I'm trying to create a bash script to parse an xml file and save it to a csv file. 我正在尝试创建一个bash脚本来解析xml文件并将其保存到csv文件。

For example: 例如:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Job id="1" name="John/>
    <Job id="2" name="Zack"/>
    <Job id="3" name="Bob"/>

I would like the script to save information into a csv file as such: 我希望脚本将信息保存到这样的csv文件中:

John | 1
Zack | 2
Bob  | 3

The name and id will be in a different cell. 名称和ID将在其他单元格中。

Is there any way I can do this? 有什么办法可以做到吗?

You've posted a query similar to your pervious one . 你已经张贴类似的查询透水一个 I'd again suggest using a XML parser. 我再次建议使用XML解析器。 You could say: 你可以说:

xmlstarlet sel -t -m //List/Job -v @name -o "|" -v @id -n file.xml

It would return 它会回来


for your sample data. 为您的样本数据。

Pipe the output to sed : sed "s/|/\\t| /" if you want it to appear as in your example. 如果希望像示例中那样显示输出,请将其通过管道传递到sedsed "s/|/\\t| /"

Try something like this 试试这个

while read -r line; do
  [[ $line =~ "name=\""(.*)"\"" ]] && name="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" && [[ $line =~ "Job id=\""([^\"]+) ]] &&  echo "$name | ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
done < file 

The line with John is malformed. John的台词格式错误。 With it fixed, example output 固定后,示例输出

John | 1
Zack | 2
Bob | 3

Using sed 使用sed

sed -nr 's/.*id=\"([0-9]*)\"[^\"]*\"(\w*).*/\2 | \1/p' file

Additional, base on BroSlow's cript, I merge the options. 另外,基于BroSlow的版本,我合并了选项。


while read -r line; do
  [[ $line =~ id=\"([0-9]+).*name=\"([^\"|/]*) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]} | ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
done < file

Extending xmlstarlet approach: 扩展xmlstarlet方法:

Given this xml file as input: 给定此xml文件作为输入:

      "Smith" LTD,
      London, Mtg Str, 12,

And this script: 这个脚本:

xmlstarlet sel -e utf-8 -t \
  -m //DATA/RECORD \
  -o "\"" \
  -v $"str:replace(normalize-space(NAME), '\"', '\"\"')" -o "\",\"" \
  -v $"str:replace(normalize-space(SURNAME),      '\"', '\"\"')" -o "\",\"" \
  -v $"str:replace(normalize-space(CONTACTS), '\"', '\"\"')" -o "\",\"" \
  -o "\"" \
  -n file.xml

You'll have the following output: 您将获得以下输出:

"John", "Smith", """Smith"" LTD, London, Mtg Str, 12, UK"

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