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[英]Best way to check if objects have been removed from NSCache?

Since NSCache is a black box as in: 由于NSCache是​​一个黑匣子,如下所示:

1) No system notification is sent when objects are removed due to memory pressure. 1)由于内存压力而移除对象时,不会发送系统通知。

2) The cache is not purged by the OS en total but pared down object-by-object after a memory threshold is reached. 2)缓存不会被OS整体清除,而是会在达到内存阈值后逐个对象进行缩减。

Is there a better way to check if a cached object still exists other than checking to see if it's empty like so: 除了检查缓存对象是否为空之外,还有没有其他更好的方法来检查缓存对象,如下所示:

NSArray *array = [[MyCache sharedCache] someArray];
if (array.count > 0)
  //you're ok
  [self repopulateCache];

Is MyCache a class you created? MyCache是​​您创建的类吗? With NSCache you could use objectForKey to check if something is still there. 使用NSCache,您可以使用objectForKey来检查是否还有东西。

use : 采用 :

 if ([[ImageCache sharedImageCache] DoesExist:imageName] == YES)
        image = [[ImageCache sharedImageCache] GetImage:imageName];
    else if([[ImageCache sharedImageCache] DoesExist:imageName] == NO)
// for adding into cache

       [[ImageCache sharedImageCache] AddImage:imageName  :image]

      //here image name is key , and image is object (UIImage ) value
     // Here we we use key value pairs for saving data in cache


you have to create the methods used here in cache's class like this: 您必须像这样在缓存的类中创建此处使用的方法:

- (void) AddImage:(NSString *)imageName :(UIImage *)image
    [imgCache setObject:image forKey:imageName];

- (NSString*) GetImage:(NSString *)imageName
return [imgCache objectForKey:imageName];

} }

- (BOOL) DoesExist:(NSString *)imageName

if ([imgCache objectForKey:imageName] == nil)
 return false ;

return true;

} }

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