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[英]How to use third party package in Laravel?

I'm using Laravel 4 and I want to use a third party package within this framework. 我正在使用Laravel 4,并且想在此框架内使用第三方软件包。 I did this to install it: 我这样做是为了安装它:

1) Add package name to composer.json file 1)将软件包名称添加到composer.json文件

2) Run composer update command 2)运行composer update命令

Now I have package available in /vendors folder. 现在,我在/ vendors文件夹中有可用的软件包。 My question is, how to use it inside the Laravel now? 我的问题是,现在如何在Laravel中使用它?

Looking in the config/app.php file, I can not add it to "providers" array as far as I can see, nor "aliases". 在config / app.php文件中,我无法将其添加到“ providers”数组中,也无法将其添加到“ aliases”中。

When I try to instantiate that package class directly in controller I get the error "Class not found" ( I tried full name to the class: $pack = new /vendor/package.../class.php ) 当我尝试直接在控制器中实例化该包类时,出现错误“找不到类”(我尝试使用该类的全名: $pack = new /vendor/package.../class.php

Any help on how to include and use the class in the laravel greatly appreciated 非常感谢有关如何在Laravel中包含和使用该类的任何帮助

If the package provides a ServiceProvider, add it to app/config/app.php . 如果软件包提供了ServiceProvider,请将其添加到app/config/app.php

Otherwise composer has already took care of autoloading for you, so you just have to: 否则,作曲家已经为您完成了自动加载的工作,因此您只需要:

$package = new Package;

In the cases where the package is namespaced, you'll have to: 在包被命名空间的情况下,您必须:

$package = new PackageNamespace\Package;

To be sure, take a look at the vendor/composer/autoload_* files, usually vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php , search for the package name or class name and you'll see how it is named. 可以肯定的是,查看一下vendor/composer/autoload_*文件,通常是vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php ,搜索包名称或类名称,您将看到其命名方式。 Or just take a look at the main package souce file, usually in: 或者只是看一下主要的包源文件,通常在:

vendor/vendorName/packageName/[src or lib or whatever]/Package.php


I just installed it here and did: 我只是在这里安装它,并做了:

Route::get('test', function()
    dd(new WideImage\WideImage);

Works like a charm. 奇迹般有效。 This package is in the 'namespaced' case I wrote above. 这个包是我上面写的“命名空间”案例。

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