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[英]How to lookup element in AWS response with lxml (namespace issue?)

I'm trying to use lxml to read a response from the AWS REST API but not having any luck. 我正在尝试使用lxml从AWS REST API读取响应,但是没有任何运气。 I can easily parse the response and print it, but none of the find or xpath functions find anything. 我可以轻松地解析并打印响应,但是findxpath函数都找不到任何东西。 For example, take this document fragment: 例如,获取以下文档片段:

<DistributionConfig xmlns="http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2013-11-11/">

And this code: 这段代码:

from lxml import etree
root = etree.XML( ... )
node = root.find( 'Quantity' ) 

node is always None . node始终为None I've tried a variety of xpaths like //Quanity , .//Quantity , and also the xpath function, but can't find anything. 我已经尝试了各种xpath,例如//Quanity ,. //Quanity .//Quantity以及xpath函数,但找不到任何东西。

How do I use this library on this type of document? 如何在此类文档上使用此库?

Seems you will need to supply the namespace of the element as well: 似乎您还需要提供元素的名称空间:

>>> root.find('.//aws:Quantity', namespaces={'aws': 'http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2013-11-11/'})
<Element {http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2013-11-11/}Quantity at 0xb6c16aa4>

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