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[英]Put a symbol before and after each character in a string

I would like to add brackets to each character in a string. 我想为字符串中的每个字符添加括号。 So 所以


should become: 应成为:


I have used this code: 我用过这段代码:

word = "HelloWorld"
newWord = ""
for letter in word:
    newWord += "[%s]" % letter

which is the most straightforward way to do it but the string concatenations are pretty slow. 这是最简单的方法,但字符串连接非常慢。 Any suggestions on speeding up this code. 有关加快此代码的任何建议。

>>> s = "HelloWorld"
>>> ''.join('[{}]'.format(x) for x in s)

If string is huge then using str.join with a list comprehension will be faster and memory efficient than using a generator expression( https://stackoverflow.com/a/9061024/846892 ): 如果字符串很大,那么使用带有列表str.join比使用生成器表达式( https://stackoverflow.com/a/9061024/846892 )更快且内存效率更高:

>>> ''.join(['[{}]'.format(x) for x in s])

From Python performance tips : Python性能提示

Avoid this: 避免这个:

s = ""
for substring in list:
    s += substring

Use s = "".join(list) instead. 请改用s = "".join(list) The former is a very common and catastrophic mistake when building large strings. 在构建大型字符串时,前者是一个非常常见和灾难性的错误。

The most pythonic way would probably be with a generator comprehension: 最Python的方式可能是通过生成器理解:

>>> s = "HelloWorld"
>>> "".join("[%s]" % c for c in s)

Ashwini Chaudhary's answer is very similar, but uses the modern (Python3) string format function. Ashwini Chaudhary的答案非常相似,但使用了现代(Python3)字符串格式函数。 The old string interpolation with % still works fine and is a bit simpler. 使用%的旧字符串插值仍然可以正常工作,并且更简单。

A bit more creatively, inserting ][ between each character, and surrounding it all with [] . 更具创造力的是,在每个字符之间插入][ ,并用[]括起来。 I guess this might be a bit faster, since it doesn't do as many string interpolations, but speed shouldn't be an issue here. 这可能会快一些,因为它没有那么多的字符串插值,但速度不应该是一个问题。

>>> "[" + "][".join(s) + "]"

If you are concerned about speed and need a fast implementation, try to determine an implementation which offloads the iteration to the underline native module. 如果您担心速度并需要快速实现,请尝试确定将迭代卸载到下划线本机模块的实现。 This is true for at least in CPython. 至少在CPython中这是事实。

Suggested Implementation 建议的实施


Output 产量


Comparing with a competing solution 与竞争解决方案相比

In [12]: s = "a" * 10000

In [13]: %timeit "[{}]".format(']['.join(s))
1000 loops, best of 3: 215 us per loop

In [14]: %timeit ''.join(['[{}]'.format(x) for x in s])
100 loops, best of 3: 3.06 ms per loop

In [15]: %timeit ''.join('[{}]'.format(x) for x in s)
100 loops, best of 3: 3.26 ms per loop

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