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编组从C ++到C#的静态const char *

[英]Marshalling static const char* from C++ to C#

I have a piece of code and I would like to know if it is correct or not: 我有一段代码,我想知道它是否正确:

hello.cpp HELLO.CPP

static const char _someGlovalVar[] = "my persistant gloval variable";

const char* DLLInterfaceGetName()
    return _someGlovalVar;  

hello.h hello.h

DLL_EXPORT const char* DLLInterfaceGetName();

hello.cs hello.cs中

[DllImport("hello.dll", EntryPoint = "DLLInterfaceGetName", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern string DLLInterfaceGetName();

Is this correct? 这个对吗?

Change your return value to IntPtr instead of string. 将返回值更改为IntPtr而不是字符串。

[DllImport("hello.dll", EntryPoint = "DLLInterfaceGetName", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern IntPtr DLLInterfaceGetName();

Then when you call it in your C# code, marshall the pointer into a C# string: 然后,当您在C#代码中调用它时,将指针编组为C#字符串:

IntPtr cstr = DLLInterfaceGetName();
String str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(cstr);

Also, double check you use the right calling convention on the DLLImport. 另外,请仔细检查您是否在DLLImport上使用正确的调用约定。 I had an issue because it uses StdCall by default, and I actually wanted Cdecl. 我有一个问题,因为它默认使用StdCall,我实际上想要Cdecl。

Does it work? 它有用吗? In this case, I don't think you have to care about anything else :) 在这种情况下,我认为你不必关心其他任何事情:)

Although personally, I'm a bit worried about how this is handled. 虽然就个人而言,我有点担心这是如何处理的。 A static const char[] pointer is probably in the code section, isn't it? 一个静态的const char []指针可能在代码部分,不是吗? Hopefully, .NET marshaller copies the data in the string to its own string. 希望.NET marshaller将字符串中的数据复制到自己的字符串中。 I'm not sure how the CPP side handles this either - is it possible that different compilers might produce vastly different outputs? 我不确定CPP方面如何处理这个问题 - 不同的编译器是否可能产生截然不同的输出?

And also, shouldn't you put a \\0 at the end of the string? 而且,你不应该在字符串的末尾放一个\\0吗? How does the caller know how long the string is with just char[] ? 调用者如何知道字符串与char[]有多长? I think that if it doesn't work for you, this is the reason. 我认为,如果它不适合你,这就是原因。

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