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在C ++中将节点添加到链接列表会导致运行时错误

[英]Adding a node to a Linked List gives a runtime error in C++

I'm trying to create a function that will add a node at the end of a linked list. 我正在尝试创建一个函数,该函数将在链表的末尾添加一个节点。 Every time I run it however, I'm getting a runtime error and have no idea where my mistake is. 但是,每次运行它时,都会遇到运行时错误,并且不知道我的错误在哪里。 Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

Edge* append(Edge *head, int origin, int destination, int weight) {
    Edge *temp = new Edge;
    temp = head;
    Edge *node = new Edge;
    while (temp->next != NULL){
        temp = temp->next;
    node->vert1 = origin;
    node->vert2 = destination;
    node->weight = weight;
    node->next = NULL;
    if (head == 0) {
        head = node;
    else if (head != 0){
        node = temp;
    return head;


Here is the Edge struct: 这是Edge结构:

struct Edge {
    int vert1;
    int vert2;
    int weight;
    Edge *next;

Here is the main function: 这是主要功能:

int main(){
    Edge *e = append(NULL, 1,4,5);

First thing I notice is that you check if head is NULL after you already dereferenced it. 我注意到的第一件事是, 已经取消引用head 之后 ,您检查它是否为NULL。 You set temp to head and then check if temp->next is NULL. 您将temp设置为head,然后检查temp-> next是否为NULL。 If head was NULL this crashes. 如果head为NULL,则崩溃。 Furthermore your else if is redundant. 此外,您的else是否多余。 If head was not equal to 0 than it must be different from 0. The third thing is that at the end you set node to temp but I think what you want to do is to set temp->next to node. 如果head不等于0,那么它必须不同于0。第三件事是,最后将node设置为temp,但是我认为您想要做的就是将temp-> next设置为node。

Edge* append(Edge *head, const int origin, const int destination, const int weight) {
    Edge *temp = head;

    Edge *node = new Edge;
    node->vert1 = origin;
    node->vert2 = destination;
    node->weight = weight;
    node->next = NULL;

    if (!head) {
        return node;

    while (temp->next != NULL){
        temp = temp->next;

    temp->next = node;

    return head;

EDIT Your code has a memmory leak, too. 编辑您的代码也有内存泄漏。 You never free the memory that you reserved for temp at the first line. 您永远不会在第一行中释放为temp保留的内存。 However, there is no need to create a new Edge here. 但是,无需在此处创建新的Edge。

while you declare: 当您声明:

Edge *temp = new Edge;

You then reassign temp to head: 然后,您重新分配临时负责人:

temp = head;

Therefore, if you pass in a null head param, you will crash at 因此,如果你在一个空传head PARAM,你会崩溃

while (temp->next != NULL){

It seems like this reassignment isn't what you're actually looking to do, since the logic doesn't work out anyways beyond that. 似乎这种重新分配并不是您真正想要做的,因为除此之外,逻辑还没有奏效。 Try this: 尝试这个:

Edge* append(Edge *head, int origin, int destination, int weight) {
    // create your new node
    Edge *node = new Edge;
    node->vert1 = origin;
    node->vert2 = destination;
    node->weight = weight;
    node->next = NULL;

    // if there is no head, this is the head
    if (head == NULL) {
        head = node;
        return node;

    // else walk to the end and set this as as the new tail node
    // NOTE: this can be optimized by having your linkedlist implementation
    // store the pointer to the tail.
    Edge *temp = head;
    while (temp->next != NULL){
        temp = temp->next;
    temp->next = node;

    return node;

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