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[英]Detecting if font family changes and showing the dialog box

i have written a HTML code 我已经写了一个HTML代码

i am using custom font(gotham.otf) in my CSS element and I want to detect if the html is loading with my custom font or not. 我在CSS元素中使用自定义字体(gotham.otf),我想检测html是否以我的自定义字体加载。 If html is not loading with my custom font I have to show the custom dialog. 如果html未使用我的自定义字体加载,则必须显示自定义对话框。

 <body onload="myFunction()">
 function myFunction()
   Here I have to check whether browser is loading with custom font or not,If not show a dialog 
 confirm("Custom font may not work for some browsers!");

If this is not possible by this way please suggest me the better way to achieve It. 如果通过这种方式无法实现,请向我建议实现它的更好方法。

Help is always appreciated, Thanks 总是感谢帮助,谢谢

Modernizr: http : //modernizr.com/应该能够检测到

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