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通过web.xml中的ContextLoaderListener初始化spring bean配置文件

[英]Initialize spring bean profile through ContextLoaderListener in web.xml

In my web.xml I'm declaring a ContextLoaderListener to configure spring application this way: 在我的web.xml我正在声明一个ContextLoaderListener来以这种方式配置spring应用程序:


In one of my spring configuration xml files, I'm using different beans profile for development and production. 在我的一个spring配置xml文件中,我使用不同的bean配置文件进行开发和生产。

<beans profile="production">
   <bean />
<beans profile="development">
   <bean />

How I could set the default beans profile in the web.xml ? 我如何在web.xml设置默认的bean配置文件? is there something similar to the following when using ContextLoaderListener instead of spring servlet: 使用ContextLoaderListener而不是spring servlet时,有类似的内容:


You can configure web.xml at the level of ContextLoaderListener with: 您可以在ContextLoaderListener级别配置web.xml


and the level of DispatcherServlet with: DispatcherServlet的级别:


Reference: http://spring.io/blog/2011/02/11/spring-framework-3-1-m1-released/ 参考: http//spring.io/blog/2011/02/11/spring-framework-3-1-m1-released/

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