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Magento:Magento 1.8在数据库中的哪里存储付款方式选项?

[英]Magento: Where does Magento 1.8 store payment method options in the database?

Where does Magento store payment method options in the database? Magento在哪里将付款方式选项存储在数据库中?
I looked around and did not find it. 我环顾四周,没有找到它。

If you're not talking about Paypal methods(which have named tables in database), Magento doesn't store payment methods information in database. 如果您不是在谈论贝宝(Paypal)方法(在数据库中已命名表),那么Magento不会在数据库中存储支付方式信息。 There is a folder named payment under core/Mage, where you will find all the details regarding to the available payment methods in your magento installation in the form of files. 在core / Mage下有一个名为Payment的文件夹,您可以在magento安装中以文件的形式找到有关可用付款方式的所有详细信息。 I'd recommend starting with config.xml. 我建议从config.xml开始。 Let me know if you need any more explaination on this one. 让我知道您是否需要对此进行更多说明。

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