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如何在C ++中将time_t类型转换为字符串?

[英]How to convert a time_t type to string in C++?

Is it possible to convert a ltm->tm_mday to string, please ? 可以将ltm->tm_mday转换成字符串吗?

I've tried this, but, this wouldn't work ! 我试过这个,但是,这不行!

time_t now = time(0); 
tm *ltm = localtime(&now); 
String dateAjoutSysteme = ltm->tm_mday + "/" + (1 + ltm->tm_mon) + "/" + (1900 + ltm->tm_year) + " " + (1 + ltm->tm_hour) + ":" + (1 + ltm->tm_min) + ":" + (1 + ltm->tm_sec);

You can convert time_t either using complex strftime , either simple asctime functions to char array and then use corresponding std::string constructor. 你可以使用复杂的strftime转换time_t ,简单的asctime函数转换为char数组,然后使用相应的std::string构造函数。 Simple example: 简单的例子:

std::string time_string (std::asctime (timeinfo)));

Edit: 编辑:

Specifically for your code, the answer would be: 专门针对您的代码,答案是:

 std::time_t now = std::time(0);
 tm *ltm = std::localtime(&now); 
 char mbstr[100];
 std::strftime(mbstr, 100, "%d/%m/%Y %T", std::localtime(&t));
 std::string dateAjoutSysteme (mbstr);

I'm not at all convinced that this is the best way to do it, but it works: 我完全不相信这是最好的方法,但它有效:

#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
    time_t now = time(0);
    tm *ltm = localtime(&now);
    std::stringstream date;
    date << ltm->tm_mday
         << "/"
         << 1 + ltm->tm_mon
         << "/"
         << 1900 + ltm->tm_year
         << " "
         << 1 + ltm->tm_hour
         << ":"
         << 1 + ltm->tm_min
         << ":"
         << 1 + ltm->tm_sec;
    std::cout << date.str() << "\n";

The strftime() function will do most of this work for you, but building up the parts of the string using a stringstream may be more generally useful. strftime()函数会做大部分的工作适合你,而是建立使用字符串的部分stringstream可能更为普遍有用。

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