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[英]Why the view doesn't show when I click the button in IOS?

I am new to IOS , and I want to implement the album by collectionView in IOS. 我是IOS的新手,我想通过IOS中的collectionView实现相册。

When I click the filebrowserbutton button in first View , it will change to the second View (name: AITCameraCollectionBrowser ). 当我在first View单击filebrowserbutton button时,它将更改为second View (名称: AITCameraCollectionBrowser )。

There has two button and a collectionView in AITCameraCollectionBrowser like the following picture. 如下图所示, AITCameraCollectionBrowser有两个button和一个collectionView


And the code of it's header file is like the following code. 它的头文件的代码类似于以下代码。

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface AITCameraCollectionBrowser : UIViewController <UICollectionViewDelegate, UICollectionViewDataSource>
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *backButton;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *localAlbumButton;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UICollectionView *collectionview;


I have not load the picture from phone yet , so it should show the view like the above picture when I click the change view button in first view . 我还没有加载从手机的图片还没有,所以它应该显示view像上面的图片当我点击change view buttonfirst view

The code of filebrowserbutton button is like the following. filebrowserbutton button的代码如下。

- (IBAction)filebrowserbutton:(id)sender {

    UIViewController *viewController = nil ;

    viewController = [[AITCameraCollectionBrowser alloc] initWithNibName:@"AITCameraCollectionBrowser" bundle:nil] ;

    viewController.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;

    self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Back", nil) style: UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:nil action:nil] ;
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];

The above code of button in first view is no problem. 上面的buttonfirst view代码没问题。

But it doesn't show anything when I click the filebrowserbutton button , it only has a backBarButtonItem on the top of screen. 但是当我单击filebrowserbutton button ,它什么都没有显示,它在屏幕顶部只有一个backBarButtonItem

So the problem is at second view , and I don't know why the button and collectionView is not show ? 所以问题出在第二个视图上,我不知道为什么buttoncollectionView没有显示?

In you're header, or .h file, add the following code 在您的标头或.h文件中,添加以下代码

- (IBAction)filebrowserbutton:(id)sender;

next, in you're xib or storyboard file, you have to connect filebrowserbutton from you're file's owner (by right-clicking the yellow, transparent box on the left of you're first picture) to the button, and choose touch up inside . 接下来,在xibstoryboard xib文件中,必须将文件所有者的filebrowserbutton (通过右键单击第一张图片左侧的黄色透明框)连接到该按钮,然后选择touch up inside

You need to add - (IBAction)filebrowserbutton:(id)sender; 您需要添加- (IBAction)filebrowserbutton:(id)sender; to your header file and connect it to your button's touchDown method. 到头文件,然后将其连接到按钮的touchDown方法。

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